Everybody Loves Large Chests

Interlude - A little fisting goes a long way

Interlude - A little fisting goes a long way

Kora, Xera and their newly named master made their way down the road at a leisurely pace. Boxxy had already filled up its near-bottomless stomach so it was in no particular rush for once. Its familiars, however, seemed to be in the middle of a heated debate. It seems Kora still had some gripes over the way they fought at the former city of Monotal an hour ago.

You burned me up on purpose back there, didnt you!? she said accusingly.

Your big head just got in the way of my Fireball! deflected Xera.

As if! I know how you backstabbing whores work! You arranged it in such a way that Id run into those Spells face-first!

She was, in fact, correct. The succubus wouldnt be able to aim directly at something the contract stated was an ally. However, accidents happen in firefights. As for the reason she did something like that, well, she just felt like it. Technically speaking they had already delivered the core, so their orders were fulfilled. The humans had little to no chance of stopping it at that point. So Xera had taken that opportunity to bully Kora a little. With a well-placed Fireball to the face.

Tch, figured it out huh? she whispered under her breath while clicking her tongue.

Hey! I heard that!

Oh yeah?! What are you going to do about it? Flex at me until I die of boredom?!

Why you- Oh! Thats right! Master! Requesting permission to smack-a-bitch!


The Mimic, who was doing an amazing job ignoring the conversation, suddenly got dragged into it.

What this moron means to say is we want to fight each other to the death, clarified Xera. They had been at each others throats for a while now, so she was very much looking forward to putting the uppity moron in her place.

Ah. Okay. Just make it quick. Im going to take a break over there.

It didnt particularly care about their petty issues. If they needed to beat the shit out of each other then it saw no reason to stop them. They were still technically in the forest where it had spent a few days hunting, so there were no particularly dangerous enemies around. Besides, it was feeling a bit tired from running with all its might to escape that explosion, so it went over to the side of the road and sat down to rest a bit.

The two demons were already at it by that time though. Kora had taken a swing at Xera pretty much the instant Boxxy let out that casual Okay. Xera saw it coming a mile away and retreated high into the air well before the attack could reach her, much to her opponents chagrin.

Urgh! Get down here so I can smash you!

Haha! As if! taunted the succubus from above. Get roasted, dumbass! Fireball!

Kora dove to the side, avoiding the Spell completely.


A second one came down immediately after, which was also dodged. The third and fourth ones followed soon after.

Unlike Shadowbolt, Fireball was a more efficient Spell with a base Cost of only 20 MP. This meant that Xera, who currently had over 800 MP, could keep firing them as much as she wanted. All while flying well out of reach of hear grounded opponent.

And try as she might, Kora could not dodge forever. The fifth and sixth Spells hit her in the back and shoulder, respectively. The Devouring Flames from Xeras Pyromancer Job clung to her, draining even more of her HP. There was no way she could keep avoiding those until Xera ran out of MP. Even if she did, she had no way of reaching her.

Or at least, thats how things would have been before their latest summoning.

A summoned familiars overall strength relies entirely on how much MP was used up to forge their physical bodies. It wouldnt be inaccurate to say that the MP spent by the Warlock was directly converted into Attributes and Levels. The species of the demon dictated which Attributes would be the strongest, as well as its Main Job. For example, all fiends would have a high degree of STR and END, with a fair amount of AGI and DEX, but in return their INT and WIS would be pathetically low. They would also predictably have the Fiend Job, which had a very strict set of Skills available. Only Pit Fiends had access to the Idiotic Strength Skill, though.

So in some ways, it was safe to assume what a demon was capable of based on its species. However, Masteries, Side Jobs and Side Job Skills were something each individual could choose for their own. It was all part of their unwritten contract, an aspect that could be changed freely any time they were summoned forth from the Beyond. This second part of a demons Status was known simply as its kit.

And what Kora had done during her latest summoning was add a new Skill to her kit. Of course this meant all other Skills would suffer and drop in Proficiency to compensate. The thing is, Kora had a feeling something like this bout with the succubus would happen eventually. And even she wasnt stupid enough to think that crafty bitch would fight her at close range. Therefore, she needed a way to attack from a distance that didnt rely on her pathetically low MP pool.

Her solution to this was simple - Projectile Mastery. It was a Skill that allowed her to turn all manner of debris around her into ammunition, and there was no shortage of debris whenever a fiend participated in battle. In this instance, she made her own by smashing up the cobblestone road to produce as many throwable rocks as she wanted.

Lets see how you like these apples! she said, gripping an rock in each hand. She then sent them skywards in rapid succession.

This caught the overconfident Xera completely by surprise. She had to stop her magical barrage and fervently dodge the improvised anti-air fire. The stones that were the size of grapefruits flew past her like they were cannon fire. She avoided two, four, six of them, but her pathetically low AGI meant she could not keep it going for long. One of the projectiles caught her in the knee, which threw her off-course. Another one tore right through one of her wings, breaking it in half and rendering it useless.

The demoness screamed in pain as she fell  out of the sky, landing on the grassy plain next to the road with a painful faceplant. She was about to pick herself up when Koras armored boot dug into her ribs.

You have suffered major blunt force trauma. HP-120.


The force of the impact lifted the succubus off the ground and sent her flying like she was a pile of dirty laundry. She hit the ground once more, some 6 meters away, skidding and rolling along the grassy soil until she stopped with her back against the ground. The unbearable pain from her side kindly informed her she likely had a few shattered ribs. The same metal-clad foot that put her in this position then stomped down on her chest.

Give up yet, cunt?! said Kora triumphantly while crossing her arms.

As if! said Xera while coughing up some blood. Ill never admit defeat to a lucky shot like that! You petulant bitch!

Oh really? said Kora while raising an eyebrow. I wonder what your bones have to say about this!

She lifted her armored boot and stomped on the same spot she kicked moments ago, aggravating her fracture. The weight she put into that step also pressed the succubuss injured wing into the ground, causing her double the agony. With so much pain shooting through her head at once, there was no way Xera wouldnt have a reaction.

Hyaaaahaaaaaah! she screamed. Her body visibly shuddered and shook for several seconds, especially the area around her nether regions.


Kora did not miss her strange response. That scream was expected, but it was still way too high-pitched. Not the kind of voice one normally lets out when theyre being tortured. No, that noise was almost like-

Did you just come from having your broken bones stepped on?

No! Hahn! Theres no such thing! Yahnn!

Theres no way Kora would believe that extremely unconvincing response. She had always assumed succubi were just a bunch of perverts and deviants, but even then had trouble believing they would be this hopeless. Determined to find out if her words were truth, she knelt down on the ground while straddling the succubuss knees. She pinned her arms beneath with two of her hands while a third one reached down and roughly tore off the blue-skinned sluts bikini bottom. The exposed pussy lips glistened with moisture. No, that wasnt quite right.

Youre practically flooded down there! So you did have an orgasm!?

Xera could only avert her gaze in shame. This served only to infuriate Kora.

You SLLLUUUUT! she yelled before half-punching half-slapping Xera across the face. She had no idea what was going on, other than she was absolutely disgusted with this creature beneath her.

Why are you getting off on being hit?! she continued with another slap. You fucking whore! We were supposed to be fighting here!

S-shut up! spat back Xera. I dont need to listen to any of this shit! Just fucking get it over with and kill me already!

Yeah youd want that, wouldnt you?! Youd certainly enjoy it, right?!

Fuck you!

No, fuck you!

She raised her hand to slap her again, but stopped herself. What would be the point? The damn succubus would just get horny off it! The air already smelled like a bitch in heat due to the fluids dripping out of her pussy. Her chest heaved up and down as she took unsteady breaths, causing her outrageously large and impossibly perky breasts to bob enticingly.

Actually, know what?! said the fiend. I think I will!

Kora reached down to her own hotpants and pulled on them. The normally stretchy fabric came apart in an instant to reveal her own naughty bits. It would seem that the succubuss arousal was infectious as the fiends own genitals were also quite damp. However, she had a little something extra. There was a second vertical slit on the skin just above her vaginal opening. She spread it open with two fingers, causing something outrageous to flop out.

A bright red, human-like dick was suddenly poking out of Koras groin. She slowly stroked it while looking down at the injured succubus, coaxing it into a full erection. Xeras eyes stared at it scornfully. She had a feeling this would happen the instant she was knocked out of the sky.

According to a fiend, the best thing in life is a violent fight complete with a certain amount of lamentation, while the second best thing is a violent fuck with a fitting amount of kicking and screaming. If a fight wasnt satisfying, then they would move onto rape. Even the females of the species were like this. No, especially the females. They loved to force themselves on others so much that their bodies almost always came equipped with the best tool for the job - a penis. They kept it hidden inside their bodies most of the time though. Leaving an obvious weak point like that dangling about unprotected was asking for a kick to the groin.

Typical! spat out the succubus. This shit is why nobody likes you damned fiends! Not even other fiends can tolerate you!

Oh please, do share your hypocrisy with me, miss I-get-horny-from-being-hit!

Its not like that!

Then you dont want to taste my dick?

I dont! she insisted and struggled to get away, but Kora had her firmly pinned down. Theres no way shed be able to overcome the difference in strength and stature.

Too bad! You dont get a choice in the matter!

Well see about that! I call upon-

Oh no you dont!

Xera was about to start chanting a Spell, but Kora cut her off by grabbing her throat with a spare hand, nearly strangling her.

Khuhak! Koff! Khek!

Only nearly though, there would be no point of preventing the succubuss self-destruction if she choked to death. Especially not before the main event.

Speaking of which, her dick was fully erect by now. It stood at attention at a length easily surpassing 30 centimeters. Keeping one hand on Xeras throat and another on her rock-hard member, Kora moved the other two arms to grab the struggling sluts legs. She lifted them up into the air and then pushed the succubuss ankles towards her head. This naturally caused her lower back to lift off the the ground, putting her in the piledriver position. The horny fiend dragger her victim towards her, putting those face-up pussy lips squarely against her engorged cock-head.

And without further ado, with no warning and for little reason, Kora pushed forward, sheathing her entire dick inside Xeras pussy in one go with a massive grunt. The succubus wailed in half-pain, half-pleasure in response to the organ-displacing penetration. Her perpetually tight vaginal walls were stretched obscenely by the intruders girth and reacted by rhythmically coiling and undulating as they massaged Koras member, putting pressure on all the right spots.

The sudden spike of pleasure nearly made the fiend unload then and there, but she managed to hold herself back. Unlike a succubus that cared only for the ejaculation, a fiends aim was to thoroughly enjoy the feeling of violating their victim. Indeed, Kora was by no means a stranger to rape. Admittedly, the opportunity where she could enjoy forcing herself on someone rarely presented itself since she was usually made to stop by her previous masters, but she still got away with quite a few conquests in her past.

This, however, was her first time doing a succubus. And it was beyond anything she had ever experienced.

Haah, haah, she panted as she calmed herself down a bit. That was close! As expected of a professional cock milker! She looked down triumphantly on her latest prize, only to be met with a toothy, shit-eating grin.

Kora was dumbfounded for a moment. She was sure the succubus had been thrashing about and trying to call her names until just a moment ago, much like all her other victims. So then how come she was looking so pleased with herself right now?

Xera mouthed the words Youre mine! before unnaturally twisting her legs around. The plump limbs wrapped around the fiends wide thighs, firmly locking them together in place.

Realization dawned on Koras face as she felt her bodys life force drain away. To a succubus, sex was a weapon. Sticking your dick in one is very often a one-way ticket to the next world. She couldnt believe she fell for that so easily and her anger flared up again. Part of that fury was directed at herself for being taken in so easily, but most of it was aimed towards the succubus. How dare she make a fool out of her?!

Very well, slut! she growled while lifting her thighs, easily breaking Xeras leg-lock. She withdrew her dick almost completely out of the succubuss fleshy confines, leaving only the head inside. She would have been satisfied with either a fight or a fuck, so theres no way shed back down when she was about to get both at the same time!

If thats the way you want to do this, she continued, then I wont back down!

Their thighs slapped together as the erect shaft was plunged back inside the wet tunnel with full force. Kora began pistoning in and out of the blue whores pussy, driving her deeper into the dirt with every downward thrust. She purposefully put her entire weight behind each motion, causing each plunge to register as a blunt force trauma that chipped away at the succubuss HP. Of course, she could always crush the slut into a pulp, but that wouldnt be very fun. At least not as fun as fucking her to death would be. That would surely shut that uppity whore up for good!

The physically weak succubus could do little but let her cunt be mercilessly pounded. Having her insides smashed to the point of taking damage, it was needless to say it came with a lot of pain. But all that did was resonate with her masochistic side. She screamed and moaned and gasped for air every single time Kora bottomed out inside her. These were not the screams of someone getting hurt, nor were they the fake noises she made to make her targets cum faster. No, that unrestrained voice was simply the sound of a bitch in heat getting the dicking she didnt even know she wanted.

It would seem that she finally stopped bullshitting herself. So what if she enjoyed being beaten, raped and dominated by someone she couldnt stand? Shes a demon, shes free to find pleasure in whatever she damn well pleases, and right now she was in the middle of the single best sex she had ever had. This was the simple truth she accepted with all her heart and pussy. And she was finally able to enjoy it to the fullest now that she abandoned her so-called pride.

Indeed, some might say she was enjoying it a bit too much. Drool and tears were leaking out of her open mouth and vacant eyes, signifying she had already given herself over to the pleasure. She had already lost control of her body as her shaky mind was rocked by repeated orgasms. It had only been 15 minutes since the angry fuck started, but she had already come 7 times under the constant, violent pounding.

Kora on the other hand was way past thinking anything coherent beyond Succubus pussy is the best! It was nigh-impossible to retain ones reason once they were balls deep inside something like that. Sure, the demonic fiends mind lasted longer than most mortals, but ultimately she succumbed to the need to breed and fuck the eager slut under her. Her face was twisted in a toothy grin and her eyes shone madly like a brainless fuckmonster, because thats pretty much what she had devolved into. Her breath became ragged and her growls became more primal as her mounting lust was about to boil over.

And then, inevitably, with a final thrust and unearthly howl, she came. Her cock exploded inside Xera, releasing a veritable torrent of demonic spunk. It poured out of her like a river, her body obeying the succubuss instinctive demand for semen. Being stuffed so thoroughly and filled so completely triggered Xeras own climax as her body was rocked by her 8th and biggest orgasm. It seemed to roll on and on without end as more and more cum was pumped into her. There was so much of it that even the greedy demonic cunt could not hold it all. The off-white liquid overflowed from the cock-stuffed pussy and dribbled down Xeras stomach and lower back, forming a small puddle of spunk under her.

After what felt like an eternity, but was actually closer to 10 minutes, their paired orgasms finally ended. It seemed that sucking a fiend of equal power dry in one go was pretty much impossible for the succubus. Kora was nothing like the characteristically weaker humans, after all. It was a good effort though, seeing as how she was left with only 120 HP or so.

And now that her head had finally cleared up a bit, Kora looked down at the succubus beneath her. All of Xeras broken bones and wounds had healed up during the seemingly endless orgasm, leaving her in perfect physical condition. It also seemed like shed recovered from her own sex-fueled craze much faster than Kora, as evidenced by the staff she was pointing directly at the shocked fiends face.

Technically speaking, the duel hadnt quite ended yet.


The direct point-blank hit to the face engulfed Koras head in flames, knocking it backwards. She yelled in rage and pain, but had trouble moving her body on account of it being weakened so much by the blue-skinned pervert. A second Fireball came moments later, robbing the last vestiges of her HP and killing her while her dick was still lodged inside the succubuss greedy cunt.

Xera then finally caught her breath. Even if her body had recovered its HP, her stamina was another story. She wallowed in the small puddle of mixed liquids for a while before standing up and stretching her sore body. Any excess cum on her body evaporated along with the fiends emaciated body, but she still felt like she could use a shower. She then dressed herself with a snap of her fingers, or at least as dressed as one could be in fetish wear like hers, and walked over to where the Mimic was sitting.

Master, the duel is over, she said matter of factly.

The animate chest sprouted some weird noodle-like appendages from its underside and tipped over backwards. It seems it had grown bored of their little contest and fallen asleep without realizing it. After all, it had a full belly and was basking in the warm sun while sitting on the soft grass. It had even found the rhythmic slapping of flesh its familiars made while pounding each other to be oddly calming, almost hypnotic. All things considered, it was almost inevitable that it would end up dozing off under these circumstances.

Boxxy, it would seem, still had a ways to go before it conquered sleeping.

Still, now that it was awake and rested, it wanted to get back on the road. It righted itself and promptly summoned back Kora. Once it confirmed they were both done with their little grudge match, it ordered them to continue escorting it and went on its merry way.

Argh! groaned Kora once they started walking again. I cant believe I lost to you! This sucks!

W-well, stammered Xera. To be perfectly honest, it felt more like a draw to me.

Huh?! What the shit are you talking about? You killed me, didnt you?

That did happen, yes. However, while I may have triumphed over you as a demon, I also completely lost to you as a woman.

Much like she was Koras first succubus, the opposite was also true. Xera had never had sex with a fiend before and she was surprised to find just how much she enjoyed the violent fuck. That blasted chest may have been the cause of her new eccentricities, but it was this fiend that had inadvertently helped her come to terms with that new side of herself.

Therefore, she had no qualms admitting that Kora had managed to completely satisfy her in every way imaginable. Not only was the semen abundant and delicious, but even the sex itself felt insanely good. After all, the main reason she came to this world was to have fun. Was there any real reason as to why she kept denying herself that sort of enjoyment any longer? Her pride? Whats that? Is it tasty? Such things simply got in the way.

I dont get it, said Kora while crossing her arms and tilting her head. How do you lose as a woman?

Xera let out a sigh. For a moment there she forgot just how dense a fiend was. Theres no way she could glean what she was trying to say if she used roundabout means. Since playing coy obviously wasnt going to get through that thick skull of hers, she just took the direct approach.

Im saying I really enjoyed it when you pushed me down and fucked my brains out.

Good for you, Slutty McSlutface. I had a good bit of fun too.

Then how about giving it another go sometime?

... You know what, I was thinking the same thing. Ive never cum like that before, it was pretty intense. Your heads pretty broken, but you got a nice cunt that just wont quit.

I could say the same about you and your dumb-as-rocks-brain. Not to mention your breath smells like brimstone and your movements are about as graceful as a drunk hippo. In fact, your cocks pretty much the only halfway decent thing about you. If you could just disappear and leave that dick behind that would be perfect.

A vein seemed to pop on Koras forehead. This bitch seriously wants me to wreck her so bad she cant walk right, huh?!

Master! Requesting permission to punch the bitch in the face and the rape her in the pussy! Not necessarily in that order!

Boxxy, who was currently contemplating whether the left or right side of a human was more delicious, simply shrugged its non-existent shoulders.

Only if you can do that while walking.

Oh, thats fine then, said Kora. She cracked her knuckles while staring at Xeras trademark grin with a toothy smile of her own. Im sure Ill find a way.

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