Book 1: Chapter 23: I need a Hero
Book 1: Chapter 23: I need a Hero
Heather followed the others down the tunnel as they made their way out. She was grateful they found Dixie and happy they were able to rescue Quinny as well. Now the task was to slip away without being seen. She hoped Moon hadn't discovered her missing yet. If she had, half the town was likely searching for them.
As much as she tried to focus on the here and now, all she could think of was Frank. Knowing he was being repeatedly killed to make her cooperate made her skin crawl. Once they were out of the town and safely away, she would ask the others to help her rescue him.
She was lost in this thought when the group suddenly came to a halt. She looked up to see they were at the tunnel intersection.
Do you think the other tunnel leads to an exit? Eribold asked as he looked down the tunnel.
If we try it and it doesn't, we will lose valuable time, Margus replied.
What are we in a hurry for? Dixie asked. They dont know you freed us yet.
It isnt you were worried about, Eribold said.
Dixie looked lost with that answer.
Margus glanced up at Heather and shook his head.
She may as well know. Moon was holding Heather hostage. She wants to force Heather to level up to trap her in her class. Eribold and I freed Heather and suck out. She will check on her sooner or later, and when she finds Heather missing, she will come looking.
With all her minions, Eribold added.
She has my panel too, Heather said. Frank and I came to get it, but somehow Moon and the others sneaked up on us. Frank said he could see the living, but he didn't see them until it was too late.
Dixie looked down and dragged a foot on the ground. That might be my fault.
The other turned to look at her as she squirmed under their gaze.
How is it your fault? Eribold asked.
Im an herbalist. I wanted to set up a shop in the town. Moon agreed to help me if I could make potions of invisibility to undead. I made her a bunch, but I didnt know what she was going to use them for.
So, they were invisible to Frank? Heather asked.
You should have been able to see them, Dixie said.
It was late at night and dark. I could barely see anything, Heather replied.
Im sorry I didnt know, Dixie squeaked.
Heather shook her head in frustration. I didnt even know such a thing existed. I dont know anything about this world. I dont even know what I dont know.
Its a lot like any other fantasy game, Eribold said.
I never played fantasy games or any games for that matter, Heather said. I don't even watch fantasy movies.
You have no experience what so ever with this sort of world? Margus asked.
Heather shook her head. Frank was helping me learn. He has been so good to me. Now he's stuck because of me, and they are hurting him.
Hurting him how? Dixie asked.
Heather explained the death knight and the sword to the shocked looks of all around. She told them how he could drain energy from victims to strengthen the weapon.
I will go with you to try and save him, Quinny said.
So will I, Dixie offered.
That the first place Moon is going to look, Margus said. But I cant walk away knowing whats going on.
You will help him even after he reset you? Heather asked.
I'm helping you ain't I? he asked. Besides, you're the one who tricked us into going in. He was just playing his character.
Im so sorry, Heather said. I tried to make up for it by helping you level.
It's fine, Eribold replied. We didn't lose anything but some time, and you did try to make amends.
We're going to lose a whole lot more if Moon catches us, Margus added. Were bound to this town now. She is going to break our binding spots before she kills us and send us back to square one.
How does she break a binding spot? Heather asked.
The world allows players to create a home, a lair if your a monster race, Eribold said. That space where it is must contain a bed, or nest, or whatever a monster uses.
Frank said all non chosen reset when they die, but Moon said you could pick a home, Heather said.
Eribold nodded his head before answering her. Frank has obviously been in here a year or more then. The visitors changed the world a few months ago to fix a bug. He must have come in before the change.
What bug? Heather asked.
Something the players broke, Eribold replied. But the fix now allows everybody to set a home or a lair even if they are not a building class.
So how does Moon break your respawn point then? Heather asked.
All she has to do is burn the bed, or whatever your sleeping spot is, Margus added.
That must be why so many of the buildings are burned, Heather gasped.When she wants the bindings to break, she loots the house and sets them on fire.
And blames it on the raiders, Eribold added.
But why? Heather asked. What is there to gain from being so mean?
Levels and money, Eribold said. You don't understand the world yet, so you don't know. Levels unlock all sorts of things. Some players can fly, some can shapeshift into animals. Some can breathe water, all because of levels.
They can? Heather asked, enthralled with the notion of flying.
That's the least of the things they can do, Margus replied. And with money, you can buy anything. If you have enough, you could buy a palace that floats in the sky, and magical servants to attend you.
I had no idea, Heather whispered.
I dont mean to be rude, Quinny said as she looked around nervously. But we need to pick a tunnel.
Right, Heather replied. She looked down the mysterious tunnel they hadn't explored. It could lead to a way out, or it could lead to a dead-end and waste valuable time. The other tunnel came out in the back of the garden, where they would be hard to see. With any luck, it was still dark, and they could slip away and go directly to Frank. She knew it was the best option.
I say we go back the way we came. Its the most direct route to Frank, Heather said.
Eribold nodded. I agree.
Fine, Margus said. But Im taking point again. Wont do to go blundering into a trap.
Heather watched him walk off and turned to Eribold.
He really is committed to playing his role, she said.
He was a drama class nerd and ran dwarf in every game we ever played. He has been waiting his whole life for this, Eribold said with a smile.
Heather was grateful that Margus took the lead, but she was terrified of what lay ahead of them.
You can do this, Heather. You can do this for Frank, she whispered to herself.
When the ramp of the tunnel loomed ahead, Heather could see it was still dark. Margus made his way up the slope carefully and then came halfway down to wave them forward.
Nobody is in the yard, but I can see them in the hall, he said.
Then let's sneak out quietly and go rescue Frank, Heather insisted.
The town hall and garden was surrounded on all sides by the town itself. They made their way south, hoping to reach the streets unnoticed. As the group moved through the shadows in they could see into the windows of the town hall. The inner hall was well lit, and they saw Moon walking toward the room Heather was in.
She is going to check on Heather, Eribold whispered.
Then we better move faster, Margus gripped.
They dashed off as fast as they could while trying to keep low heading for the far hedge wall. Moon's voice screamed out in anger just as they reached the wall.
That's done it, Margus said. They are looking for us already, and we're not even out of the garden.
Then there is no reason not to run, Eribold said as he ran through the hedge and into a burned section of town.
Behind them, a bell started to ring, and they knew Moon was going to be out for blood. They ran down a cobbled street heading for the distant trees when suddenly Quinny yelled.
Ow! Quinny cried as she stumbled with an arrow in her shoulder.
Heather turned around to see a catman with dark fur glaring at them with narrow eyes. He held a bow in his hand and was aiming another arrow. He loosed the arrow, but Eribold stepped forward with a quick word of power, blocking it with a magical shield.
That person was with the death knight, Heather said as Dixie tried to heal Quinny.
I cant heal an undead, Dixie said after she tried and failed.
I can still run, Quinny replied as she got up. They ran around a corner to get out of arrow fire and directly into a tall red-skinned man with short black horns.
What are you guys doing? L33tk1ller asked.
Are you with them or not? Margus asked with his axe up.
What are you talking about? he asked.
Are you working with Moon to turn in Heather? Eribold demanded.
Why would moon turn in Heather? L33tk1ller asked.
We dont have time for this, Heather said. Moon is chasing us. She wants to turn me in for being a necromancer.
L33tk1ller looked confused, but they didn't have time to explain it. The dark-furred cat came around the corner with a predatory look to his eyes. He drew two short blades and leaped at the group. Margus turned to meet him as the others scattered, and for a brief moment, he held up the catman. However, a quick dash to the side and the catman was behind him, his blade racing for his back.
With a loud crack, the cat fell over as l33tk1ller punched him in the back of his head.
They are after you guys, he said.
Thats what we just said! Margus cried.
You're going to regret that! the catman said as he got up. He stood and leveled his weapons and rushed at l33tk1ller. To everybody's surprise, l33tk1ller produced a long serrated bladed sword and intercepted the attack. He matched the cat move for move and with a quick word of power, threw a black bolt of fire at him.
Go, he yelled. I will keep him busy.
Moon is going to reset you for this! the catman yelled as they continued to battle.
The others wasted no time in running only to see three forms step our from around a building and block the street.
Leaving so soon? Moon asked as she put her hands on her hips.
Heather felt her heart sink as the dark elf and lizardman from the graveyard stepped out beside her.
There are only three of them, and we have a healer, Margus said.
Moon laughed and raised a hand to snap a finger. A half dozen more beings of various forms appeared both in front and behind them. With the sudden appearance of the additional threats, l33tk1ller broke off the battle and stepped back, joining the group in the middle.
You guys really do have her mad, he said.
Oh, Im not mad, Moon said. You saved me some trouble. Now Heather can level for me.
How is she going to level? Margus asked.
Simple, Moon said. I have looked at her panel, and all she needs is a couple of kills. She is going to kill two of you and level for me.
I am not! Heather shouted in defiance.
Moon shook her head. I planned to have you kill the zombie and the Goatrah, but now I dont really care who you kill.
You could have worked with us and leveled in the graveyard, Heather said. We could all have built up and been happy.
Oh, sweety, Moon laughed. I did want to build my town, but with you, I could build a kingdom. I could have a city and a dozen towns all calling me queen.
And you dont care who you hurt to get it? Heather demanded to know.
Moon shook her head. I did once, she admitted. But when you have been here long enough and reset enough times you will understand.
I am not killing any of them, Heather said. I refuse to be like you.
Moon shook her head. You forget where Frank is. After all, he did for you, are you really going to abandon him to that?
Heather felt her heart ache to know Moon had Frank impaled and dying over and over. It was a small blessing that he was in his graveyard and would respawn, but only to be killed again. She imagined how awful that must be.
Times up, Moon shouted. Make your picks.
Kill me, Dixie said. I'm only level one, and I don't have any gear to lose.
No! Heather yelled. You are not something to be wasted, and we aren't playing her game. I don't know why people in this world behave like monsters, but I refuse to be one.
Fine, Moon said. I will add your friends here to the list. You can choose two of them, or I will choose two for you and kill the rest myself.
Heather was shocked to hear the calloused words. She was given a terrible choice to kill two to save the rest, or they would all die. She struggled not to cry as her world closed in, and she felt helpless.
I can't do it, Heather said as a tear ran down her cheek.
Then I will help you, Moon said with a scowl.
Let me help her instead, Frank interrupted.
They all turned to look to the end of the street by the forest to see a ghoul with glowing yellow eyes.
Frank! Heather cried.
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