I am Succubus!

95 – Getting Hornier by the Day

95 – Getting Hornier by the Day

One by one, Mio and I proceeded to have sex with every occupant in our hall. She made good on her promise to fist fuck the ass of the person adjacent to our booth. Thankfully with a latex glove on. The sound of someone being mindbroken to enjoy getting their ass fisted was not something I was keen on hearing ever again. But leave it to Mio to enjoy something as sadistic as that.

While she was screwing the brains out of the last person in the hall, I invited Kazuya back to my booth for seconds. He had apparently went into overdrive to finish his assignments just to have sex with me again.

How could I not be flattered? To think that my body— the pleasure my pussy granted him, encouraged him to work harder.

Kazuya had me pinned under his manly strength, fucking me like he wanted to put a baby in me.

"I never… thought I could have sex with a hot high school girl like you! I'm always so jealous of those college guys in circles. They should be jealous of me now," he ranted as he made a mess of my pussy.

"Ahhh… I'm cumming again… Your dick is making me cum so hard… nngh!" I moaned, convulsing against his body.

We were pressed together, staining the mat below us with sweat and cum. He laid on top of me and squished my breasts between us. His hips frantically clapped against mine, orchestrating a symphony of flesh and carnal pleasure.

It was just so good. My womb was so hot from having so much raw and unprotected sex, and my belly full from swallowing so much cum. Times like these my mind drifted and wondered why I had bothered caring about being a boy when sex was way better as a girl.

"So good— harder! Fuck me, harder— guh… I'm cumming…!"

Finally, his throbbing cock brought me to an orgasm. He painted my pussy white with cum, injecting it into my baby room to mix with the lovejuices of other men.

Even after emptying his load, Kazuya wouldn't get off me. He kept me for himself for a while longer, passionately kissing me as if I was his girlfriend. His dick had gone flaccid but remained plugged so as to keep the cum from leaking out.

The door slid open. Mio appeared, naked and with a satisfied expression. Her thighs dripped with cum.

Kazuya lit up. "I've always dreamed of having a three—"

"Get out, kid. It's my turn to fuck my girlfriend," she said, kicking Kazuya out of the room and shutting the door.

"Wait, Mio… Kazuya made me cum like crazy, I'm really sensitive right now— iiieeeekk!"

Mio went to work eating me out. Her tongue fished the entrance and depths of my pussy to lick clean the cum gushing out of me.

"Mmm! If Kana's a cum hydrant, you're the leaky cum faucet. Kahaha!" She continued to slurp and lick as if my pussy was a melting ice cream cone, and wouldn't stop until everything was eaten up. Everytime her tongue flicked my clit, it sent electricity running up my spine. I felt every little taste bud on her tongue as it rubbed me.

"Aaauughh… Mio, stop! I'm going to cum! I'm cumming! I'm cumming— nnngh, oohhh!" I grabbed a handful of her hair, but that only served to embolden her. The moment she shoved her tongue as deep as she could, I came so hard it was lights out in my head.

Mio reached up to pinch and squeeze my nipples. She slowly crawled on top of me, licking my body and leaving a trail of saliva in her wake. A sharp pain fired up my body as she paused at my chest to bite my nipples, but the pain quickly turned to pleasure as she sucked on them. Then, at last, I saw her face. She leaned down to kiss me, tying our tongues together in a sloppy embrace.

"Ugh… My whole body feels weird," I said, gasping for air between each kiss.

"This is what we need to do more of. I can get behind sharing as long as it's with you. Don't tell me you aren't enjoying this." She grinned.

"No… comment…"

I found comfort being stuck underneath Mio's body weight. Our breasts squished together, nuzzling into each other's faces, legs and fingers intertwined…

Even though sex with other people was great, they didn't compare to Mio, Kana, or Hatsumi.

"What do you say we finally get some grub?" Mio asked. "I saw a shaved ice machine in the lobby when I was going to the showers."

Glancing down at our cum and sweat-caked bodies, the smell of sex still heavy in the booth, a quick wash might be in order first.

"I know you already took a shower, but I'm thinking we need to take a long bath before anything else," I said.

Mio's eyes snapped open. Her head jerked in the direction of the door.

"Might have to put food and bath on hold a while longer." She used her foot to slide open the door. The guys we had sex with from this hall crowded in front of our booth. It seemed they had been listening in to Mio eating my pussy and got hard again.

I thought I had enough sex for one night, but seeing their ravenous eyes and being bathed in the scent of their lust quickly put me back in the mood.

Mio repositioned us to face our asses to the door. While still laying on top of me, she smacked both mine and her own ass.

"Last call for the night, boys. Take your pick or take both!" she announced.

I had no say in it, though I didn't exactly want to refuse either. Mio licked her lips, then shoved her tongue into my mouth just as someone pushed their dick into my pussy.

"Fwuah~ The shower feels so good…"

Manga cafes nowadays were fitted with showers and baths. Some places even had saunas and their own sento built into it. With how long people spent in a manga cafe, it only made sense to provide a place to take care of hygiene. No one liked sitting in an enclosed space for a long period of time, with dozens of other people around, to stink up the place.

After Mio so charitably turned us into cum toilets for everyone in our hall, we tweaked their memories in case they remembered at some point. I certainly didn't want a stranger I had sex with recognize me one day when I was with friends or my sister. That was just asking for trouble.

As the hot water cascaded down my body, I couldn't help but touch myself again. My nipples were still sore from being pinched so much, and my pussy hadn't stopped leaking cum. Both parts of me felt sexual pleasure from just being showered with water.

It might be just my imagination, but it seemed like I'd become a lot hornier lately. The simple act of rubbing my cum-filled belly was enough to get me in the mood.

Normally, I'd have sex once and would be good for a few days. Today was probably the most I had sex in one day and was still not completely satisfied.

Now that I had some time to think about it, Mio was the same. She had been acting hornier than usual, too. 

Mio was already washed up and waiting in the changing room. She was dressed in a lot less, wearing booty shorts and a crop top with big texts that said, "FUCKABLE'. I put on an oversized, long-sleeve shirt and a pair of sweatpants. We were two stark contrasts to each other. Though it seemed both of us opted out of wearing bras. They were uncomfortable when you just wanted to lounge around.

"You're really going to walk out like that?" I asked.

The succubus glanced down at her attire and shrugged. "Damn right. I'm going to pop some boners and enjoy the sights."

We headed into the main cafe area and were immediately swamped with stares. Mio was enjoying the attention of being checked out. Meanwhile my anxiety levels were spiking. It was not an exaggeration to say everyone was looking at us. But just as quickly, their stares returned to the comics in their hands and continued to steal glances our way.

Mio intentionally stretched her arms above her head, so far that her underboobs were almost showing.

"Let's get something to eat already!" she urged, pulling on my hand.

The dining area was more like a snack bar. Beverage dispensers, vending machines, and automated self-serve machines. You wouldn't be able to get a real meal unless you went outside. Most of the stuff here was just junk food.

As I returned to our hall to drop off some of the food in my hands, I found myself stuck in traffic behind a line of people leading inside.

The line consistently moved forward and people were exiting the hall with a smile on their face. I squeezed and pushed my way to the front. It turned out, the line was for mine and Mio's booth. They were signing a sheet on a clipboard hanging on the door to the booth. One guy finished signing, turned to leave, and nearly walked into me.

"S-Sorry…" he said, turning red and then hurried out of the hall.

"Stop!" I halted the next guy in line from signing up and snatched the clipboard from the door.

It was a time slot sheet of half an hour increments, beginning at midnight and ending right before school begins. There were two columns, one had my name at the top and the other had Mio's name.

"Mio!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. She came racing back with a box of fried chicken in her hands. "Explain this!"

"Oh, shit! The sign up sheet I made is almost full? Looks like we're neck and neck on who wants to fuck us!" She cackled.

"Wait, YOU made this? For people who want to have sex with us?"

"Well, yeah. I'm horny as fuck and so are you. This is a win-win for us," she said as a matter of factly.

"There will be no sign-up sheet to have sex. Sorry, guys! False alarm!" I tore up the sheet in front of their faces. Everyone sighed and exited the hall with their shoulders drooping. Every occupant in this hall who was also in line slunk back to their booth.

"Killjoy." Mio groaned and returned to our booth to dine on her snacks.

"Damn, this is the life! Good food, all the stupid comics I could ever read, and someone to fuck in the next door over whenever I want? Can I just live here for the rest of my life?" Mio asked, belching out loud. Her bliss was immeasurable.

It was a little past midnight, but I wasn't feeling tired at all. Staying up with Mio was fun.

"Well, we can't always stay here. School in the morning and more to do before Halloween and Culture Day," I reminded her.

"You're feeling better now, right? Not all mopey anymore?" She scooted up to me and put an arm around my shoulders.

Even now Mio was looking after me.

I leaned up to kiss her tenderly on the lips. The taste of sugary sweets teased my taste buds.

"Does that answer your question?" I grinned.

Mio pushed me onto my back and shook her head. "I'm gonna need a lot more convincing."

"M-Maybe later. I want to get something to drink," I said.

"Tch. That's twice you cockblocked me. There won't be a third." Mio winked.

We went to refill our drinks. The manga cafe was winding down now. Much less people were in the lobby reading as most had retreated to their rooms to sleep. The only ones still up were night owls, cafe employees, and students and salary workers that have something due in the morning.

As I was filling my cup, excited to get back to reading the battle shounen I'd been meaning to finish, someone bumped my arm. Some of the drink spilled over the top, but fortunately I was holding it over the drain.

"Sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going," a familiar voice said.

"It's no problem, I wasn't— eh?"


I come face to face with none other than Kana, dressed in a cute dress and pink cardigan, hair clearly done over with a curling iron, and wearing some light make up. Both of us gawked at each other, utterly speechless.

"Is that who I think it is?" Mio asked, lips slowly curving into a bemused smile.

"Friends you know?" A handsome college-aged guy I didn't know came up to Kana and put an arm around his waist.

"I-I have to cancel for tonight!" Kana exclaimed, pushing the guy away.

"What? But I already paid—"

"I'll pay you back through the app!"

Kana returned to us, head down and sulking. Shame written all over his face.

"Mind telling us what that was about?" I folded my arms.

"Ain't it obvious?" Mio chuckled. "Couldn't resist the pleasures of a woman's body, so he came out looking for dick."

"That's not it! I… I started… compensated dating…" he confessed.

Kana had no choice but to join us at a table and explain everything.

"Ever since you turned me into a girl, I've started feeling weird. Whenever I walk down the streets and people check me out, I kind of like it. I pass by clothing stores in the city and find myself staring at cute clothes. Someone compliments me, and I melt like an ice cube in summer," he explained.

Kana's transformation into a girl by the Blade messed with his mental a lot more than I expected. I knew first hand how powerful my state of mind began to change when it happened to me.

"I sort of get that. Now you know how I felt when you kept calling me cute and whatnot," I scolded him.

"Be honest. Have you fucked any of your clients yet?" Mio asked.

"No! I haven't done anything like that with them. I just… erm… do it for the attention. It feels nice…" He pressed his index fingers together and blushed. "Th-That doesn't mean I like them though. I still like you two, and I want to go back to being a boy… eventually!"

Mio and I raised our brows, skeptical of what Kana said. In the grand scheme of things, it hasn't been that long since he became a girl. Only a little over a week had passed for him. It only felt long for me because I was trapped in a time loop.

"Alright, Kana. How much has changed? When you look at boys, does your heart and face start getting hot?" I asked.

"Are you… trying to condition me into thinking about the opposite sex or something?" He squinted at me.

"The kid's avoiding the question. He's probably got cock on his mind 24/7!" Mio exclaimed.

"No! Argghh! I had a bad feeling about coming out tonight. I should have listened to my gut!" he cried, burying his head into his arms.

As amusing as this was, Kana appeared conflicted over it. His situation was my fault. I'd turn him back if I could, but the Blade was nowhere near charged yet. Despite all the sex I had in one day, only a fraction of its previous capacity was filled. A lot more quality sexual energy from the likes of Kana or Hatsumi would be needed.

"Hey, I've been wondering about this for a while. What the hell is compensated dating?" Mio asked, glancing between us.

"You were making fun of me without even knowing what that was?!" Kana glared.

"I ain't from this world. Can ya blame me?" She shrugged.

"Compensated dating is when you go out with people in exchange for money and gifts— and because I know you're definitely going to ask this… Yes, sometimes sex is involved…" I explained.

"I wanna try it!" she declared.

"I knew it was going to come to this…" Kana and I said at once.

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