Chapter 29: Yuutas School Day ③
Chapter 29: Yuutas School Day ③
The final School Day before graduation on the last day of March took place on the 28th. Yuuta attended it cheerfully. Just the thought that hed be able to meet Aoi and the others boosted his spirits, making him so happy that he had trouble reining himself in.
Wishing to see Aois bashful smile as quickly as possible, his pace naturally sped up.
Once he arrived in front of his classroom, he quickly took a look around himself. No one was around.
She mentioned that she had waited for me to enter my classroom the last time, but
He stepped inside the room while wondering whether Aoi and her followers were watching from somewhere. But, the classroom was empty as well. Then again, it was forbidden for the girls to enter a boys classroom before he had gone in.
However, just when he sat down on the chair in the middle of the classroom, thinking that hed simply wait for Aoi and her friends to visit him, he heard a Yuuta-sama, followed by the door being immediately opened and Aoi striding in with a smile blossoming on her face.
Just like last time, she was enveloped by an aura of neat and primness today as well. Her school uniform didnt show the slightest blemish.
Looking awfully happy, Aoi briskly walked up to Yuutas chair and sat down on a nearby chair in a way that suggested she was actually encamping him.
Good morning
Good morning to you as well, Aoi-san. Im happy to see you again.
So am I! I am very happy
Yuuta became head over heels, seeing Aoi not even trying to hide her affection. The aura and atmosphere enveloping her suggested dignity and trimness in all aspects, but the smile she showed Yuuta was full of tenderness and sweetness, filled with a bewitching charm.
Yuuta should be overjoyed having such a wonderful smile directed at him, but something similar to an unsightly discomfort reared its head deep inside his heart.
What is it? Ah, jealousy, huh? Im envious. The idea that someone else might have seen Aoi-san smile like that during the two years of my absence
The only boy Aoi had shown that smile thus far was Yuuta, but of course he had no way of knowing this. Her distance as she sat next to Yuuta was clearly small.
Too close. Isnt she as close as during our car trip the other day?
Aois chest was already pressing against Yuutas arm, and her thigh was pushing against Yuutas knee.
Just the thought of someone possibly seeing this right now caused a strong desire in Yuuta to hug Aoi to not allow her to leave. Reflexively, his body started to move on its own.
But then, Manami and Moe entered the classroom.
Excuse us.
Yuutas body jumped with a start, and he immediately corrected his sitting posture. Aoi, on the other hand, remained glued to Yuuta with a broad smile plastered all over her face.
It is a pleasure to meet you again, Yuuta-sama.
G-Good morning, Yuuta-sama.
Morning, Manami-san, Moe-san.
After greeting Yuuta, Manamis eyes wandered to Aoi.
Good griefAoi-sama.
What is it, Manami-san?
Please give Yuuta-sama some space.
No way!
Yuuta-sama is going to hate you if youact so improperly and rudely towards him.
Nope, thats absolutely not true!
Err, umm, Manami-san, I dont particularly mind.
Manami shifted her eyes from Aoi to Yuuta. It was a slightly fed-up look, one you wouldnt usually expect her to point at a man.
Y-Yes, what is it?
You are pampering Aoi-sama too much. I am very delighted to see you two being so intimate with each other, but Aoi-sama is exploiting your kindness, Yuuta-sama.
Sheesh, you dont have to put it like that, Manami-san!
A woman rubbing her thigh against a mans knee, and moreover, pressing her chest
Ah! N-No, that is!!
Huuumph, Yuuta-sama definitely enjoys it!
W-Wai-Wait Moe became flustered by the exchange between the other three.
Yuuta who had accepted the Sick Visit Service for her grandmother, Aoi who was the next matriarch of the Eternal Yoshiwara, and Manami who was a high family daughter, Aois half-sister and childhood friend; watching these three converse, Moe felt like she was about to black out as she wondered why she was in a place like this.
She was deeply grateful towards Aoi for giving her the chance to express her thanks to Yuuta once more.
Moe hadnt asked to attend todays School Day. Yet, this morning, Aois car had stopped in front of Moes home for some reason as if it was only natural. Of course, Moe hadnt prepared for this at all, but seeing Aoi walk back to the car after telling her that shed wait for her to get ready, Moe had fixed herself up within three minutes and rushed out.
Because Moe managed to pretty herself up with some make-up after they arrived at Toukyous junior zone school, she was able to appear in front of Yuuta right now. Moe felt deeply thankful that the girls powder room in the junior zone school came equipped with all sorts of cosmetics.
You should be grateful that Yuuta-sama is delighted by this.
Of course Yuuta-sama, thank you very much
Okay, and now tell me why you obediently listen to that part alone?
That is because I wish to always feel grateful towards Yuuta-sama.
Sheesh Yuuta-sama, thank you for putting up with Aoi-samas unreasonable antics.
UmmIm also happy, Yuuta said with a smile after taking a look at Aoi who didnt show any signs of trying to get away from him.
Due to his remark and smile, Aois smile became even broader, and she faced Manami with a triumphant look.
Hehe Did you hear, Manami-san!?
Whats with that hehe? Aww, sheeshhow enviable.
Whaaaat, so you wanted to cling to him as well, didnt you Manami-san?
Rather, do you believe any woman would dislike the idea of clinging to Yuuta-sama?
If such a woman truly exists, I would consider her a very pitiful creature. For not understanding Yuuta-samas extensive kindness.
It was still only their third meeting since their meeting during the previous School Day. Or the fourth time if you included the introduction to Yuuta-kun during the first term. As such, there was no way he wouldnt be happy about having Aoi and Manami face him with such blunt and outspoken affection, but Yuuta couldnt understand why they harbored such strong feelings about him.
The next matriarch of the Eternal Yoshiwara. Nobility amidst the high families. These descriptions, which were following Aoi around wherever she went, started to trigger a certain degree of wariness within Yuuta.
So far only two months had passed since he woke up in this world, but he guessed this caution came from his values which he had learned during that short period of time, or maybe Yuuta-kun, who was hidden deep inside him, was feeling so.
He could also feel that itd be best to frankly accept Aoi and Manamis affections.
Those two contradicting emotions existed inside him, but Yuuta also believed that itd be okay for both to coexist without conflict.
Manami-san, how about you sit down next to Yuuta-sama as well? Right, Yuuta-sama?
Eh? Oh, rightas long as Manami-san is fine with it.
Please excuse me then.
Manamis movements were quick. Yuuta ended up yelping in astonishment as he hadnt expected the swiftness of her movements. Her motions were reminiscent of a skilled martial artist.
What a magnificent sensation.
Being stuck between two beauties, Yuutas consciousness went out of the window due to an overdose of happiness.
Seeing Aoi and Manami gleefully pushing their bodies against Yuuta, Moe asked herself, What does this mean?
He couldnt quite get a read on the whole situation in front of her.
Now then, we have something important to discuss, Aoi-sama.
Oh! You are right. Sorry, I got totally absorbed in the wonderful feeling of Yuuta-samas touch.
Apparently having absorbed more than enough Yuuta-power, she finally put on a serious expression and faced Yuuta properly.
Would you be so kind as to approve of me becoming a direct affiliate of your high school class?
!!! Yuuta ended up at a loss for words out of sheer joy. I-I should be the one asking you! Ive been thinking all the timehow nice it would be if you became my direct affiliate.
Aww That makes me very happy!
That is great news, right Aoi-sama?
Manami and Moe blessed Aoi having been accepted as Yuutas direct affiliate.
Without hiding her joy, Aoi further said to Yuuta with a smile, Thank you kindly for accepting me as your direct affiliate. I am well aware of my own inexperience, but I shall exert my utmost effort to turn your three high school years into a wonderful time, Yuuta-sama.
Please take care of me.
You are so gentle, Yuuta-sama UmmI do have another request, if possible.
Sure, what is it? Please tell me without any hesitation.
Could you please approve of Manami-san and Moe-san becoming your indirect affiliates? Of course, I am the one recommending them.
A shout similar to a shriek echoed throughout the room. The source was Moe. Her face looked anything but what a lady should show.
W-W-W-What d-d-do you m-m-m-m-mean by that?
Oh my? Didnt I tell you?
Aoi-samayou probably forgot to talk to Moe-san about this.
HmmI picked you up this morningand then we talked about it inside the caror maybe not?
Manami sighed deeply, It would have been better if I had come with you. It was my mistake to have taken a separate car, thinking that getting into one car with three people would be too cramped.
Manami-san, I came up with a wonderful plan! Let us inform Moe-san right now and here!
I guess we have no choice but to handle it like that.
Aoi declared to Moe with a smile, Moe-san, how about you join Yuuta-samas class as well? Im going to recommend you.
U-Umm, Someone like meI-I mean
Oh? Why would you think so? I am convinced that Yuuta-sama would gladly approve of you, seeing how you are a deeply compassionate girl who cares so tenderly about her own grandmother.
Yuuta was silent, staying out of this. He believed that itd turn into him forcing Moe, if he were to say something at this point.
The one calling out to Moe, who didnt know what to do, next was Manami.
What are your feelings on this, Moe-san? I know it has developed into this situation because Aoi-sama failed to properly talk with you about it in advance, but if you have another class you wish to apply to, it would naturally be completely understandable for you to turn down the offer here.
I dont have any other class! If I can become affiliated to Yuuta-samaas classI-I would love to do so!
Oh my Then its set, Id say. What do you think, Yuuta-sama? Manami-san and Moe-san are wonderful girls. I would be more than delighted if you could accept them as indirect affiliates.
Of course. Id be overjoyed if those two were to become affiliated to my class.
Upon Yuutas response, Manami, who had been clinging to him just like Aoi before, suddenly stood up. Pinching the hem of her skirt, she performed a lovely curtsy.
Thank you very much for kindly accepting me to join your class, Yuuta-sama. I shall do my utmost to support you over the coming three years at high school together with Aoi-sama.
Gladly, Manami-san. Best regards.
End of Part 1
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