Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

24 Sounds Familiar.

A silver cup pavilion is a tavern.

It's right near the Adventurer's Guild building, but throughout the day and night, I can't say it's thriving much from what I've seen.

There is a reason for this.

The lack of an adorable clerk or my husband's silence and poor affection account for a few percent of the reasons, but apart from this, the biggest reason is to say that this tavern is a direct store of the Adventurers Guild.

Members of the Alliance use it because it is a direct store of the Adventurer Alliance.

Speaking of adventurers, they are pinky but generally not very good.

Because there are customers who don't have good products, the average customer doesn't come along.

With members of the guild, there are other shops, and there are still many young men, so I often go to shops that have cute clerks and clean ladies.

So it's not thriving, but if the adventurers get together to discuss or decide something, I generally use this store.

Because there aren't many customers, it's easy to talk about things that people don't want to hear, but I also feel like I know that the Alliance won't let go of shops that don't thrive.

Still, the cost of a store seems to be quite a bit, and the guild itself, the cute clerk, and the smart cook there, etc. have been put in to improve it, but the fact that the adventurers are gathered seems fatal and the customer entry will not improve, and the clerk who was put in will quit immediately.

The above information was heard by Lianya from Lona.

Lotus Yakiya is impressed by the good research into boulders.

A middle-aged man with slightly thin-headed hair, who seems silent and unfathomable from across the counter when he pushes open both doors and enters a dim store, turns his gaze just to say what is going on.

I don't think the customer will have that eye, but even if I pointed it out there, I reconsidered it because it won't improve anyway, and Lianya asks without love.

"I came at the request of the Alliance. It's a southern dungeon attack face-to-face. Are you there?"

The story seems to follow, and the middle-aged man, who would be the owner of the store, pointed to the corner of the store with his chin.

When I saw it, I occupied more than one table there, and from the side I could see that there was simply a bunch of people who seemed sloppy, but Zion was not the other way around.

Because Zion noticed a blue muscle standing on Lianya's forehead, though thin, in that attitude that he said he would sneeze and show with his husband's chin.

"Les, Lenya. The noise here..."

"I know. I know, but that's not what this is about."

Taken by Zion, Lianya tries to head to the corner of the shop indicated, but is caught by the voice of the store's master.

"Wait, honey."

"... what?

"It's up to me to order drinks for a place."


"You're stupid. I think it would be alcohol if I said I ordered it at the tavern. Or is it adventurous full of hungry ghosts who can't even drink..."

I was instantly answered, and now the blue muscle floats on the store owner's forehead.

A hungry ghost who came into the store with a woman and hadn't eaten in a very long time just stared at this one in a kind of grumpy mood, I ordered water from the liquor store lacking to say it.

As soon as I thought I'd educate him about one thing I'd call flushing here, whether you're kidding me or licking me.

The owner of the store stuck his mouth in his spine and intestines remembering the chills that filled his eyes with ice.

The man in front of me, he's just looking at this one.

That had not changed since earlier, but the quality of the gaze had changed.

At first it was the eyes that looked at people.

When I opened my mouth, it was kind of like looking at someone I hated.

And now.

I didn't see people.

"Oh, oh... you want some water...?

"Yes. Water would be nice. Can I get some water?

Her voice is calm, but she has no emotions at all.

In the illusion of being in conversation with the ice, my husband hurriedly placed two of them on the counter when he poured water into the glass to break the liquor.

"Is Zion glad it's water?

"Huh? Oh, right. It's not a place or time to drink."

"Right, how much?


Lianya asks pale to the owner of the store, who doesn't seem to know what he was asked.

"It's the price of water. Is it free?

"Ah, oh. One coin at a time."

Rolling the said amount over the counter, holding two glasses, he gave one to Zion, and Lianya turned her back to the owner of the store.

That's all the act is giving the owner of the store the peace of mind that he came back from the demonic realm to the world of men, breathing deeply, unknowingly.

Watching the two of them walk to the location of the group they instructed, their master carved into their hearts to keep a good memory of Lianya's face.

He absolutely sucks, he said.

It was more like Lotus Ya forgetting her husband's very existence, rather than saying that she would not even observe such a master's mind, but her face is not clear.

That's because a good number of members of the group across the street are laughing at themselves.

I sit at one table patiently because it seems to be very well ordained, saying that I am unsettled or uncomfortable, it was a cup of Lianya already wanting to go home, but if I return here, it could also be considered a request failure before not fulfilling the request.

The table seemed to be in the shape of one party occupying another, and Zion sat in the seat just next to Lianya.

"Apparently, we've all gathered."

The one who opened his mouth was about half thirty men who felt like he had seen it.

The body glances from the gap between the leather and the armor reinforced with sheet metal, quite tight, sharp and blue eyes on the short pruned blonde hair looking around without alarm.

There are two long swords that seem to be well built that are lowered from the waist.

I could see they were both quite used up.

"Leader of the party. Hultz-Licensen, huh? Adventurer Rank B is a skilled and definitely a duplicitous user."

Softly Theon tells me by ear punching.

He sat next to Lianya on purpose for this.

For some reason, Theon was quite familiar with the adventurer's information.

When Lianya asked Zion why, she replied that she became more familiar with it as she researched it in a variety of ways with drawings that seemed more like a strong adventurer = coveted being than she said she needed to be pressed.

I guess it's like Idol's fault, Lianya thinks.

There are two women with three men on the table where the Hultz is sitting.

Whisper that Theon is blurry and that the men are all warriors and the women are mages and bandits.

All ranks except the Hultz are C-ranked.

"Everybody, is that it?

A young, brown-haired man brings to the back of his chair, throwing both feet out on the table without hesitation, raises his voice.

"Leader of the party. Zest-Fatalities. Rapier's user, adventurer rank is C... but because of his poor predisposition, his strength seems to be B rank"

There are a total of six women at this party except Zest.

Zest is the warrior, the rest is two bandits, two monks, and one magician.

Mages are rank B, monks and bandits are rank D.

When the sorcerer asked why he didn't do the leader, he replied because he was softly a woman.

Because he speaks in a small voice, he is impressed to hear the explanation of Shion, who leans over quite physically, and who, for the better, looks that far into it.

"Who does that refer to?

The blurry voice was the man who forced his red hair upside down with a crooked cane on a grey robe.

"That's... Az-Hound, the leader of the Explorer. Famous for being a magician but rarely a leader. Rank is D"

The party composition consists of four men in our sheet metal armor.

Zion says that Az, a mage, earns his time exercising his magic with those four men and is a tactic he is good at pushing his powers with the magician's firepower.

The men as shields really focus on shields, so the rank is not high, f.

Sion is great looking that far, but the adventurers who are finding out that much information can yell at Lianya, who even begins to worry that she's okay.

"Hey, I'm talking about you."

Thanks, Lianya puts her neck around and sees the Lord of her voice, knowing that she is the one who is ahead of her words.

The Lord of Voices is Zest.

As usual, he remains in a fluffy posture, pointing a dangerous gaze at Lianya, dressed to serve party-member women on both sides.

"There's only two of us, isn't there? So you're gonna dive in?

"No, there's one monk. I'm absent because I'm having you run to prep. I'm sorry if I offended you."

I knew I was going to get involved.

It's something within the assumption, but I have a strong feeling that it's actually troublesome when you get tangled up, but if you put that on your face, they'll be even more tangled up.

Lotus Yaya bows her head toward Zest as she rises from her chair, saying she should apologize earlier here, as it is certain that the number of people is small.

"Heck. It's not a game. If you die, the reward will only be survival and mountain splitting, so let's hope so."

"Come on Zest. It's not good for those who get the same request to fight each other before work"

When Hultz controlled Zest so that he could conquer him, Zest made his gaze even more vicious against Lotus Yakiya and scorned Hultz.

"You're complaining about what I do?

"I didn't say that. But there's no point in arguing, is there?

"I'm sorry to make such a scene about this one. But I'll do my job right. You can trust me there."

"What you say is splendid. We don't know each other. Who is it?

Trying to name it, I realize that speaking of which, you didn't decide on the name of the party.

"I didn't set the party name. I recently became an adventurer, Lenya-Knugi."


Zest shouted.

I think Lianya would have said something strange to a voice that was obviously ridiculous, but I couldn't think of anything particularly strange.

"Is there a problem?

"Anonymous and recently became an adventurer!? What do you mean," Rank F "?

"Exactly, but what?

"Are you making fun of me? Or should I parasitize you? At a Rank F party. And there's only three of us. What can you tell them!?

Lotus Yaki laughed bitterly, only to think that the high theory was more appropriate.

That seems to have backstroked Zest's nerves, causing anger with his gaze almost killing him.

"La, it must have been an unrestricted request. There was no limit on the number of people, and the problem is taking on the request..."

"Ugh, stay cool!

I just couldn't bear to raise my voice, Scion.

Zest, angry at that Scion, threw a glass of liquor in his hand toward Scion.

If he hits it, he will be injured. Sion accidentally finds himself in a glass that will fly with unmistakable momentum, but he gently takes the glass that Lianya was on his way and puts it on the table.

There was no starch in the operation, and the contents of the glass were splashed about half way through the flight, but when Lianya placed the glass on the table without sound, the other half was not spilled, and it remained in the glass.


That seems to have crippled Zest's eclampsia again.

A bandit's daughter, signaled by her eyes, threw a knife at Lianya without warning.

That number is four.

I thought it might be too much for Lianya to tell us to give him a slightly painful look, but to some extent we have no choice but to cause the noise ourselves.

With a gentle sigh, two flying knives with both hands.

When you stop by pinching a blade pointing at your side, you stick those four pieces out by surrounding the glass you put on the table.

Was it also there confidence in the throwing of the knife, as Lianya said as she saw the face of her daughter throwing the knife colored by the surprise of seeing something incredible.

"Just a face-to-face meeting, I heard. It doesn't have to be that vibe."

"Who thinks it's caused by cancer?"

The sight shown in front of me tells the story of Lotus' high level of skill.

Lotus Yaya nodded at Zest's voice, still unconvinced.

"It's our fault. That's why we're leaving. I'll do my job... but I don't need your help."

"Mr. Lenya!?

Said Lianya, taking control of Zion, who tried to protest.

"This one works here. Move over there. That would be best, wouldn't it?


To Lianya's words, it was Hultz who agreed.

"We also decide to act alone. I don't want to get upset, but I want to focus on my work."

"So that's it for the face-to-face, okay?

"Yeah, and then we're going to be local."

As Lianya inquired to confirm, Hartz grinned and nodded.

"Neither do we... rather disturb"

As Az said softly, Hartz clapped his hands together with Pong.

"It's the opinion of three of the four parties. That's settled."

"You're on your own. We don't need a foot job!

"Then this is it."

Making a small meeting, pressing the back of the mundane Scion, Lianya tries to leave the scene.

From behind it, Zest called out to hate.

"Hey, Rookie. Watch your back at best!

"each other,"

Without even looking back, Lianya replied, the anger she was feeling behind her swelled up even more.

Afterwards, there was a sound of things falling or falling, but Lianya quickly went out of the store without getting involved.

Anyway, you don't have to look at it to somehow know that you're stopping around the pretty zest or maybe hitting things eight times and breaking or dropping it.

"Lenya... I..."

"Yes, that's it. It was mainly my fault that the meeting broke down."

Behind Lotus Ya trying to return to the inn, Lotus Ya heard Theon say something blurry, and Lotus Ya said so and stopped Theon from speaking.

It gives me a surprised look, but I still try to keep the words going, so Lian Ya turns to Shion and makes his forehead look scratchy, and eats a light iron claw.

"Oh, Ita... I'm here... Lenya!? Kishimu!, sinking!?

"Don't worry, don't worry if I tell you. If Lorna tells you anything, you can tell me I broke it. You got that? Answer me when you know. Continue as something you don't know if you don't hear back."

"Continue!? That's right, but it is. They licked me in the first place...... but it hurts!?

"I haven't heard back...... keep going. Sometimes, would Theon believe me if I told him I could squeeze Goblin's head with one hand?

"Can you do something stupid like that?

"I tried it when I was processing corpses in that pioneering village. It's surprising."

"Wow, I get it! All right, let go of me.

If you let go of her hand, Theon is looking at Lianya in tears as she holds her head with both hands.

Seeing that his eyes still said something, Lianya laughed only at the edge of her mouth, sealing Zion's objection by showing her fingers as they moved excitedly.

"I didn't think it would be a hassle from the start."

After all, the hunch didn't come off, and he was blurry as he looked at Zion's back as he just ran away from being grabbed again.

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