Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 607 Challenges Daimon & Nethereal sisters, Sarah's version (part 14)

It took Sheilla a second to process what Sarah just did, not only did she give up her first movement privilege but she was now choosing the though technically strongest, hardest to unseal pawns and to top it off she aimed at taking the ones from her side as well, it was an unadulterated insult.

"What is the meaning of this you crazy…", the enemy queen's lashing out at Sarah was stopped by she receiving a message from the challenge.

[Given that the defeated side claimed the privilege for the first move, half of the petition requested by the Black Queen will be automatically granted, the Pink Queen is free to comply or reject with the remaining two selected pawns]

Naturally Sheilla who was seeing red over all the humiliation she has been subjected to due to the crazy girl, instantly wanted to refuse but then an idea struck him like a bolt out of the blue.

'Wait a moment, no matter how strong her nether might be, she won't be able to unseal more than four of them and by the time she finishes, my army would have her completely surrounded… what's more this is beneficial for me', she thought.

Unlike what happened with Reyne where the first move privilege referred to who had priority to choose the materials needed to create their pawns, but the fight won't start until both had finished their preparations, in Sarah's case said privilege was quite literally talking about who could attack the other first.

In other words, if the one with the first move privilege also chose a few easy to unseal pawns, she would totally have the upper hand as she could start attacking immediately, interrupting the unsealing process of the other queen, it was a really large advantage, which is why Sheilla was angered when Sarah gave it up.

And now, the crazy girl even chose the hardest to unseal pawns on top of the previous, putting herself in the worst possible position, the problem is that as much as Sheilla hated to admit it, she had no reason to refuse.

'Those four are certainly the strongest pawns in my batch, but there are others that don't fall behind for too much and require a shortest unsealing process, I have the first move privilege, so I'll go with four easy and four middle and will rain down attacks from every direction while preparing "that" and keeping my distance, let's not fall into her tricks, the Lord will make her pay for all the humiliation I have suffered', she concluded.

After being driven by the nose by the crazy girl so many times, Sheilla knew that no matter how random or reckless Sarah's actions and words were, there was a trap hidden in them, like a poisonous dart ready to pierce one's throat by surprise.

"I accept, let her take the remaining two, it won't make a difference anyway", said the enemy queen as she selected her respective eight chain spheres, while inwardly adding.

'I won't be provoked so easily you damn bitch, I'll use your blood to wash off my shame in front of the Lord!'.

And with that both queens had made their choices so the rest of the chain spheres were absorbed back by the space portals that opened into the sky, very much to Daimon's interest.

'Wherever those portals lead to, is not under the influence of the nethereal Lords, but it is also not under the rule of the Megalodon, the mana coming from it does resemble the one radiated by the sea emblems in general', thought Daimon whose violet amethyst eyes glowed behind his mask.

Though the Lords and his own black sea emblem could affect the setup of a challenge to a certain extent, they were still majorly bound by the stablished rules, which made sense since as far as Daimon knows, neither the Lords nor the Megalodon were the ones that created the challenges.

Otherwise, why would they have allowed the other party to participate, they probably did create some of the emblems to attract possible allies or talented prospects to their side from the outside though, so that they could continue with their war and that ended up in the complicated result that Neptune is nowadays as system users were added to the mix.

Anyway, back to the battlefield, the eight chain spheres that each queen selected, floated to their sides respectively and then the barrier that prevented them from acting was lifted, signaling the start of the race to unseal their pawns.

The queens were free to focus in single or multiple targets, use a strong but unstable process or aim for though slower also safer method, it was completely up to them, for example Sheilla made a few gestures with her hands and two of the smaller chain spheres as well as two of the middle-sized ones separated from the rest to then accommodate in a circle with her at the center of it.

What followed was Sheilla's body radiating large amount of dark pink nether which a second later changed into thorned vines that held onto the chain spheres, to then start rotating around it.

The enemy queen gave the crazy girl a provocative gaze as the thorned vines produced sparks while wearing and loosening the chains out, unfortunately her skilled display of nether usage lost its visual impact by the Sarah's method.

With a smirk on her face, the crazy girl flew to then position herself above the eight chain spheres she chose, giving Sheilla a bad premonition.

'Don't tell me she is going to…', the enemy queen's thoughts were interrupted by a thunder-like explosion.

"Booom!", Sheilla looked at the origin of the sound and her pupils contracted like needles when she saw violent explosion of bright purple energy that occupied everything within Sarah's side of the battlefield.

"What the hell are you doing!", yelled the enemy queen at the crazy girl who had a carefree expression on her pretty face while her body was radiating violent waves of purple battle aura.

"What do you mean, I'm waking up these guys of course", casually said Sarah, totally not caring about the fact that the chain spheres were producing sizzling sounds as they were being showered in her poisonous mana.

"You see unlike my little sisters I'm not fit for delicate or refined stuff, I prefer to… crush things", she added, her eyes shone in a dangerous light, as she intensified her battle aura, causing one of the many chains in one of the eight chain spheres to melt away.

"Crack!", the tension released by the chain that was melted, loosening the grip of the others, caused a loud cracking sound to travel through the sky, which made a light of worry to shine in the eyes of the enemy queen, something that Sarah of course noticed and took advantage of.

"Don't tell me you are worried about the ones sealed inside, they are the "strongest" out of the available choices so they won't die with just this and they won't be weakened enough to be useless, in any case it's worth it as long as I finish before you", mockingly said the crazy girl.

Sheilla gritted her teeth at the fact that Sarah was completely right, even if she used such a crude method to unseal her pawns, which will for sure result in them being negatively affected, the truth is that their seals will come off really fast, she wasn't using any technique but was brute forcing her way through the seals after all.

'Damn it, she is crazier than what I expected, even weakened one of those would have no problem against two of the lower pawns or one in the middle and one low ones, I already started unsealing four if I want to increase the number the process will be interrupted, I will lose time and she might have her first pawn before me…', thought the enemy queen.

Even if Sarah finished unsealing a pawn first, she couldn't attack first as she gave up the first move privilege, but she can prepare for the fight beforehand which will basically nullify the advantage Sheilla had, not to mention that for certain reasons she needed to finish unsealing at least three pawns before Sarah had one.

"Humph", snorting at the fact that her hand was being forced by the crazy girl, Sheilla had no other choice but to increase the amount of nether she was using, increasing the thorned vines she was using to undo the seals on the chain spheres by almost three times, her technique also became slightly unstable but it was still within an acceptable range for the enemy queen.

The only bad side is that she was wasting nether like it was free, not to mention that she was forced to change her strategy midway which is what angered her the most, the feeling of being played by that annoying purple haired girl.

"Hehe, are we perhaps getting a bit nervous?", said the crazy girl, very much to the displease of the enemy queen who took a second to breath and calm down to then ignore Sarah's provocation to then say.

"Instead of all this useless mockery, you should watch out for your mana reserves, it won't be a glorious victory for me if you lose too fast".

The crazy girl didn't answer, instead of that the already violent waves of mana being radiated by her became even fiercer all this while she kept a smile on her pretty face.

Not that far from their battlefield, Daimon who was observing them, shook his head at Sheilla's words from earlier.

'Even before she awakened nether, her battle aura reserves were way above average, she might have not advanced to the peak of the Lord rank after our time in Kerrol, but she improved in every other aspect', he thought.

Daimon wasn't referring to how she became much tamer after spending time alone with him, though that was a major positive improvement for him, but to the fact that her nether was a whole separate matter apart from her battle aura, in other words she had two different types of energies which she could use now.

'Now that I think about it, she shared that unusually large reserve of battle aura with miss Grace, probably it was partially caused by the exposition to that curse, a blessing in disguise I guess', concluded Daimon.

The crazy girl and the duchess were exposed to large amounts of nether which was supposed to kill them before they even got to meet Daimon, the reason as to why they held out so much was because they were tough girls.

They were originally extremely talented to begin with, and in order to extend their lives as most as possible, their bodies became stronger and their battle aura reserves increased in order to adapt be able to endure the exposition to the nether imbued in the curse.

It didn't escape Daimon's eyes that all the nether Sarah absorbed to awake hers, combined surpassed even his mana reserves in Core Synchrony state we are talking about someone that can totally crush middle stage Arch ranks while being a temporary peak Lord rank at most.

Of course, that doesn't mean she has that much battle aura while being just a middle stage Archknight, but her nether that much just to be created, not to mention she also absorbed all the remaining nether in the curse back when she got finally rid of it alongside Grace.

'For someone who claims to find her annoying, you surely have been paying a lot of attention to that crazy girl', mumbled Eve making Daimon chuckle.

'Well, I seem to remember having a had a troubled initial impression of a certain someone, but I would say we got closer overtime, am I right Nasha?', he said.

'Mm, Eve used to be a "bad girl" according to Aisha after all', innocently answered Narasha.

'B-Bad, I just didn't know how to talk with others okay!', exclaimed Eve with a tinge of shyness in her voice, it was understandable, back then she explained that Daimon was her first user since the requirements for the system she managed are hellishly high to meet, and recently she confirmed that their contract is a life and death one, so she was is and will ever be Daimon's exclusive administrator.

Not to mention that who knows how many years passed since she became an administrator, before meeting Daimon.

Leaving aside Eve's amusing reaction, Daimon's focus went back to Sarah's battlefield, since there was an important change.

"Crack!", the sound of something solid shattering echoed through the battlefield, followed by a loud shout from an unfamiliar voice.

"Hahaha, finally, I'm finally free!!!", the liberated shout came from a humanoid figure that emerged out of the chain sphere that the enemy queen had just finished destroying.

After a moment of ecstasy, the man that emerged from the chain of spheres put on a confused expression to then look at Sheilla who hadn't stopped with the unsealing process of the other spheres and scream.

"Hey, what the hell is this, why am I a mere early middle Mortal stage, I'm a LIUTENANT!", after a couple of seconds of not receiving a response and scanning Sheilla, the man's face twisted in anger.

"Answer me you lowly inferior breed…ghhh!", the man who was lashing out at Sheilla suddenly grabbed his head in pain, he shook his body fiercely as if to try and get rid of something, to then turn silent and calm for a few seconds at least.

"What did you do to me?", asked the man with a "calm" voice that didn't match his panicked expression, as he saw from the corner of his eyes the dark pink energy thorned vines that were tightening around his chest making it bleed.

"I'm the personal assistant of Lord Asmadian and the queen piece designated by him and you are a lowly pawn chosen by me, fulfill your purpose properly and the Lord will free you, you must have noticed it by now, this is just a temporary freedom granted to you by the rules of this place, after this you'll return to your imprisonment if you survive that is".

Seeing the clear disdain in Sheilla's face, the man gritted his teeth and then looked upwards which was within what he was allowed to as of current to then scream.

"Hey horny bastard from the Asmadian family, I'm not your damn subordinate, I want to speak with Lord Bal…aghhhh!", his demands were met with Sheilla's face turning ice cold, she even slowed down her unsealing process to point at him, making the dark pink nether thorned vines around his chest sink into his flesh, making him scream due to pain.

"Stop it bitch!", after a few seconds of pain the man finally couldn't stand it and asked her to stop, which against the odds, Sheilla did.

"Listen you piece of trash, the only one watching this is Lord Asmadian, your miserable existence is under his authority, so you'll perform for him, however he wants, am I clear?", she asked to which the man against his wishes, nodded.

"Whatever", he limited to say, Sheilla stopped torturing him, the dark pink nether thorned vines did stop hurting him, but they didn't disappear, they became strangely ethereal though.

Daion who observed the whole thing, couldn't help but frown, he watched till the last bit of the previous using the infinity eyes and discovered quite a few things. Stay updated through empire

For starters, the man that came out of the chain sphere was a nethereal, but that should be obvious at this point considering he mentioned the last name of one of the other two Lords.

The problem is, that the man was completely human-looking, that's right, no deformations, no weird body parts and he even called himself a "lieutenant", in other words, he was a nethereal that… survived the war from back then.

Which is probably why he had shown such disdain towards Sheilla, the Black Night race from which the enemy queen evolved, was supposedly created by the Asmadian Lord, to gather nether for him and serve him, they were modeled after nethereals and could use nether, but were naturally inferior copies of them.

Naturally as someone that had gained the favor of her Lord, Sheilla wasn't like the girls from the Black Night race which were being trained by a certain undead head maid, she considered herself to not be inferior to original nethereals, not out of vanity or pride, but because she received the favor of her Lord and was even chosen to represent him during this whole thing.

'No stolen body, neither a bizarre flesh of doll to inhabit, his body structure is still not too different from that of other human-looking races, even his magic core is normal looking, except for the fact that he doesn't have mana in it but nether, unlike the nethereals that were "revived" without their memories', concluded Daimon.

The records from Agrak's memory ended abruptly, Daimon couldn't see how the war ended since the greed nethereal was beaten half to death by Ophelia, but he had assumed that every nethereal had either died or lost their bodies at least, since that was the case so far, even Agrak who was technically also a Lord ranked figure, though a stupid one, didn't have his original body and yet this random guy did.

'I doubt that these chain spheres are the only ones, how many of these guys are there and why were they kept alive, it's hard to believe that the Megalodon did so out of his own will', thought Daimon.

Back at the battlefield, seeing that the pawn had against his wishes, submitted, Sheilla nodded to then say.

"I don't have time to lose with losers that don't even know how they failed to fulfill their duties, you'll be left in charge to inform the other idiots about their situation, do your job properly and you'll be rewarded, mess up in front of the Lord and I will personally put an end to your lowly life".

The pawn inwardly gritted his teeth.

'To be treated like a commoner by an entitled bitch from a mere "flesh doll" of the Asmadian family, just you wait, I'll personally demand for your head once I get to meet Lord Balax', he thought while nodding.

"Understood", he said.

Sheilla then turned to see the crazy girl, though some of the chains that sealed her pawns were about to completely melt away, there was no sign of any of the chain spheres giving out, while the enemy queen could feel another of the small spheres reaching its break point, while a middle-sized one was getting there as well.

'Just a bit more, once I have two of them out, the victory will be completely guaranteed…', the enemy queen's thoughts were interrupted by a mocking voice.

"Oh, so you have one already out, sorry, I wasn't paying attention, I was captivated by the feeling of my king's gaze~", casually said the crazy girl.

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