Chapter 12 - 12
Chapter 12:
Arthur's Point of View
Helmsforth Slums
"What did I do?" I asked back, annoyed.
"Sides' from starin at Greigh like a mad cow?" She asked back sarcastically.
Moving passed her and shrugging, I answered. "Hate to break it to you, but your friend in there started it. What did you want me to do? Stand in the corner so I wouldn't stare back? I suppose I could've stared at Ziah, then she could stare at you, and then you stare at Greigh!" My overly dramatic look and excited voice made her give me a deadpanned look. "That way, we'd all be looking at each other without it being weird. Fucker is lucky I didn't poke his eyes out." That got her attention, and she put her arm out in front of me to stop me.
Curious, I decided to see what she was going to do. "Don't threaten my friends." Cassidy warned me in a low tone.
Pushing her arm out of my way made her almost growl at me. "Teach your friends; it's fucking rude to stare."
My companion seemed shocked at my harsh words but didn't say anything in response. It did make her sour though. The two of us walked in complete silence. Eventually, we came to a stop at a tavern, and I glanced down at her curious as to why we here. Without answering my unspoken question, she entered the establishment. Shrugging, I followed her.
Inside the tavern was someone I wasn't expecting. "Arthur!" Floyd called out happily. "Cass said you were coming by! Take a seat anywhere that's available!"
Cassidy already moving somewhere, replied. "Floyd, there's barely anyone here yet. Almost everything is open."
"Then you get your pick!" Floyd replied with a cheery smile. "I'm gonna get started on your order! Be with you in a sec!" He said as I sat down across from Cassidy at a regular table.
The tavern itself looked like you would expect from a fantasy world. Everything was made from wood. Plates, tables, chairs, counter, shelves, and the tavern itself. Only things that weren't made of wood were the few patrons present, candles that hadn't been lit yet, and the food and beverages.
A voice came from behind the counter. "I told you to stop allowing people in early!" Looking, I saw a woman with long blond hair, who looked rather annoyed. "Floyd!" She reprimanded when he ran inside what was likely the kitchen. "Ugh." The human woman looked at us. "Always good to see you Cass. However, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop enabling him." She said while adjusting her dress and apron.
Cassidy shrugged. "Problem with Floyd is that he doesn't need enabling. It was there all the time. I've just accepted it."
"Gods know I should do the same." The woman muttered. "I'll go see what he's doing. Keep an eye on the front for me?" She asked Cassidy.
"Sure thing, Sherry. The Rainy Helm is in good hands!" My redhead friend replied to the blonde.
Now identified at Sherry, the owner went to the back, and I turned my attention back to Cassidy Probably due to my earlier comments. Not sure why she brought me here, but I figured I let things play out. In the meantime, I was able to look at more details of the Rainy Helm. There was a second floor also lined with tables. Figured this place must be busy to have a full second story lined with more spots to put paying customers.
Eventually, I just settled for looking out the window next to our seats. "Can Ah ask ya a question?" Cassidy suddenly inquired.
Glancing at her for a minute, my gaze shifted back to the people passing by. "By all means." Then I added, "I might not answer depending on what it is though."
"Why're ya so on edge?" Cassidy asked me.
"What makes you think I am?" I asked back, genuinely curious as I set my chin in the palm of my hand as I looked at her. "Is it because of me staring back at your friend?" My question made her narrow her eyes. "Or is it my genuine lack of interest in answering questions? You know, despite the fact I ask a ton myself."
"Those're all good points." The redhead stated as she leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. "Still didn't answer ma question, though."
Closing my eyes, I replied. "That's okay. I don't feel the need to. After the warm welcome I got upon arriving, I'm perfectly content with keeping my guard up."
Opening my eyes revealed Cassidy looking at me more curiously. "Is that so?" I nodded. "So even with that guard up, ya decided to help out a total stranger?"
Frowning and sitting back got her to quirk a brow. "Austin asked for help. I helped. Simple as that."
"Somethin tells me ya ain't so simple."
"Or thoughtful!" Floyd said, suddenly right next to us.
Both Cassidy and I turned to look at him. "How long have you been standing there?" I asked.
"How long have you been talking?" Floyd asked back.
"..." My eye darted around to try and figure out what that meant. "What?" Was all I said when I realized it meant nothing.
"Exactly." Floyd replied promptly and set down a tray of food. "On the house! Enjoy the meal!" Then he leaned down and whispered. "You know, for saving Austin and Grandpa Reed!" The whispering was so loud that Cassidy could also hear it. "I can't give out free cuts, but I can give out free meals!"
Cassidy sighed. "No, ya can't. Sherry's gonna be pissed."
Floyd waved her statement away. "Pfft! Spare me! What is she going to do? Yell at me?" He asked as if it was unthinkable.
"Floyd!!!" Sherry screeched from across the tavern and back behind the counter. "Are you giving out free food again!?" Picking up a cup from below the counter, she threw it at him, and by extension, us. "I told you to stop doing that!"
"As long as people need to eat, you'll never stop me!!!" Floyd shouted as he smacked the wooden cup back with his tray. "Wahahahaha!" He laughed and ran upstairs.
"This is coming out of your pay!" Sherry shouted at him before sitting down and rubbing her forehead. "You know how Floyd is, Cass. Just enjoy the food. Sorry for that little outburst."
Cassidy chuckled as she held up a pouch of sorts. "Don't worry. Ah'll pay."
Sighing, Sherry held up her hand to stop her. "It's fine."
Quirking a brow at this, I spoke. "Why not just fire him if he gives you so much trouble?"
My redheaded companion laughed as Sherry answered. "I have... Twice."
"Don't worry about Floyd," Cassidy told me. "Just enjoy the meal. It was supposed ta be as thanks for ya saving ma family. Guess Floyd wanted ta show some appreciation too. Ah'll figure out somethin else later."
We started eating, and I was glad that the food was similar to the food back on Earth. Some of which no longer existed on my home planet, but I had read about times when food was much more plentiful. Regardless, the meal was delicious. Seemed to be the common theme of this world. Fantasy world gives you amazing food.
As we ate, Cassidy asked me a few more questions. "So, Arthur, did ya still want ta run by Ayda's Library ta get your books or did ya want ta call it a day?"
The thought of dealing with Ayda didn't sound too appealing. "I'll deal with her tomorrow. I know where the library is now, so I can just head over on my own."
"Ayda ain't a bad person. Just a bit eccentric."
"Like Floyd." I stated.
Cassidy chuckled heartily. "Yeah. Like Floyd. We're an odd bunch here."
I nodded. "Agreed."
Sherry came over to us as we ate. "Enjoying the food?"
"It's amazing, to be honest." I told her.
"That's the problem with Floyd. Amazing cook, worker, and great personality, but he has a habit of doing things off the rails." Shaking her head, she rolled up her sleeves and put her hands on her hips. "If it weren't for how random he appeared and disappeared, I probably would've tried to marry him."
"Oh... Uh..." Wasn't sure how to respond to that.
Snorting at my reaction, Sherry giggled. "Sorry. Don't worry about me rambling on. Just me thinking out loud more than anything else." Gesturing to the second story, I looked up to see Floyd in the rafters sleeping. "It's moments like this that bring me back down to Crevalis and puts things back in perspective."
Looking back up at Floyd, I didn't understand how he got there, and I asked, "How did he get up there? He's human, right? So, he can't teleport like Ayda, or could he?"
"Ah've given up on anything going on around Floyd. If he's involved, Ah just accept it and move on." Cassidy stated, and Sherry nodded in agreement. "Keeps life simpler." Then she chuckled. "Although, Ah do know someone who's been mighty interested in Floyd for quite some time now. Not that anything's come from it."
I expected her to continue, but Cassidy merely went back to eating. Clearly amused by the entire situation and knowing more about it than me. Not that it was difficult to know more than me about this place and the people. Sherry moved back to the counter and started getting ready for the night while Cassidy and I finished up. Once done, we stood, gave our thanks, and said goodbye.
Walking back to the Reed's Farmstead, Cassidy nudged my arm. "So, what'd ya think? Floyd's a pretty good cook, huh?"
Smirking at that, I replied in a good mood. "I will admit that the Rainy Helm was the best part of our trip into town today. Feel a little bad for Sherry and Butch though." Cassidy chuckled. "Seriously. Don't know how they deal with Floyd. I think I'd shoot myself."
"How in the world would ya shoot yourself?" My freckle faced companion inquired, thoroughly confused.
Considering they likely didn't have guns, and only used bows, I replied. "Carefully enough to make sure one arrow would be all that was needed."
"Ya alright?" Cassidy inquired in a concerned tone.
"Perfect. Why do you ask?" My carefree manner seemed to unnerve her more.
"Ah'm here if ya need ta talk." She said in a more carrying manner.
Chuckling, I patted her shoulder. "I'll keep it in mind, Cassidy."
My attempt at dark humor seemed to unnerve the farm girl, but she dropped it soon enough. The two of us got back, and I was surprised that Augustus seemed happy to see me. Our day went by due to simple conversation. Just shooting the breeze as my redheaded companion put it. Cassidy went around the farm doing a few chores. Specifically, fixing a portion of the fence that the manticore destroyed, but that was it.
After that, I moved to my room, where Austin barged in and started asking me questions again. "What were ya up ta today?"
"Your sister introduced me to the local guard forces. Met a Lieutenant Greigh and Sergeant Ziah."
"Oh! Was Kine there?"
That confused me. "Who?"
"Kine!" Austin repeated. "Cassidy and him are good friends. He's in the Town Guard too!"
Chuckling, I replied. "I'm afraid not. Whoever Kine is, he wasn't there."
"Rats. Was hopin he'd be stoppin by sometime soon. It's funny when he sleeps on the roof. Gets Cass all riled up." He laughed mischievously. "Ya should see it."
"If I get the chance." Was my amused response.
"If ya don't mind ma askin, how long're ya gonna stay with us, Arthur?" Austin inquired suddenly. "Are ya gonna be leavin soon?"
I was going over my armor cleaning it from the day, but I stopped to give him my full attention. "Do you want me to leave?" My question was sincere as I didn't know if he wanted me to stay or not.
He shrugged. "Not really. Ah like havin another guy around ta talk to."
Thinking about it, it made sense. "I don't know what my plans are, Austin. Trying to figure things out as I go along. Okay?"
"Okay." He repeated more solemnly.
"Tell you what, though," I said, getting his attention. "If I ever need to leave, I'll let you know before I go. Deal?"
He nodded with a small smile. "Deal! Night, Arthur."
"Goodnight, Austin." I told him as he closed the door.
When the door closed, and I was done with my armor, I removed the bandage around my eye to sleep as always. I'm not sure if it was because of this, but I sensed something in the middle of the night. Waking up with wide eyes, and shooting out of bed, seemed almost instinctual. Something was coming.
Grabbing my armor and sword, I quickly put it all on in a matter of seconds. Not too much later, I looked out the window to see red energy signals approaching the house. With everything on, I jumped out the window and waited for them to arrive. Assuming these were likely more Ghouls, I drew my sword and watched the energy signals carefully. Each one stopped right before the farm and stayed in the tree line.
"I know you bastards are watching me." I mumbled to myself.
Even moving slightly seemed to alert the energy signals. Not knowing much about the situation, I looked back at the home and sighed. The choice was clear. Bringing these people into this situation was out of the question. So, I did the only thing to do. Leaning forward and positioning myself in a running stance, my body shot forward with the first step.
An indent was left in the ground as I ran, and I knew the Ghouls would all follow. "Run, run, run, as fast as you can."
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