Chapter 9 9 - Chores and Companionship
Indefinite Sub Quest: Want a Place to Stay? Do as I Say!
Conditions: Do your chores!
Rewards: EXP
Looking at the sub-quest window in front of me, I smiled.
"I've been waiting for this to appear."
This specific sub-quest can be done more than once, which is why it says "indefinite."
Anyway, this is how I encountered this quest in the game...
Normally, the old man's place is locked and can't be accessed.
However, after being caught in his trap, he brought me inside himself to nurse me.
And once he'd tended to me, he told me to stay the night because I was wounded.
So, I did.
After waking up the next day, my character felt better, and the old man told me off.
From then on, I was able to access the cabin anytime I wanted.
Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal... But the cabin is just right outside the northern forest, the hunting grounds!
And upon entering the room where the old man let my character sleep, I realized I could still use it to sleep there.
In short, if I slept in the cabin, I wouldn't have to travel the next morning to hunt in the northern forest!
That's why I tried it as soon as I learned of it...
But after waking up the next morning, the old man shouted at me and gave me the sub-quest, "Want a Place to Stay? Do as I Say!"
And that's when I found out that whenever I slept at the old man's place...
I needed to help him with chores the next morning to pay him back.
That's why I thought of this sub-quest when I was searching for a place I could stay, by just helping the old man, I would have a roof over my head!
And not just that, by doing so, I gain EXP. Which helps in increasing my stats faster!
Anyway, moving on...
"Don't just stand there and smile! Chop some firewood!"
The old man was getting impatient.
"Got it!"
So I immediately started doing my chore.
Thwack— Thud!
Chop— Crack!
Whack— Thunk!
My grunts filled the surroundings everytime I lift the axe and chop the logs.
Sweat started pouring down my face, and my arms began to ache. It was only about 8 AM.
I was already exhausted.
The day had barely started, and I was already out of energy.
"Can I rest for a while?"
I asked, looking at the old man sitting on a tree stump nearby.
He looked at the firewood I'd cut.
"Do one more, then you can rest."
Then he responded.
I thought I hadn't cut enough firewood, but when I saw the old man smirking...
I realized that he's just trying to wear me out!
I was pissed...
I looked at the log in front of me, frowning.
It would take me a few chops with the axe to split it.
And I would be more tired than I'm already am.
So after thinking for a while...
"Fuck it."
I raised my right palm toward the log.
Imagining a strong gust of wind with the sharpness of the axe I'd been using...
"[Wind Blade]"
I chanted those words.
A strong gust of wind shot from my hand...
Fwip— Thud!
And it sliced the log cleanly in half!
I looked at the old man.
He was speechless, staring at the log with a dumbfounded expression.
Then he looked at me.
I smirked.
He muttered, but I just ignored him and sat down to rest.
After resting, I went back to cutting the logs...
I only used magic occasionally since I didn't have much mana, and I wouldn't want to pass out again.
It took me about an hour and a half to finish it all.
And after I was done…
"I'm off to hunt."
The old man announced that.
He's holding his bow in his hands and had a quiver of arrows slung over his back.
I looked at him.
"Let me come, old man."
Then I told him that.
He frowned, totally against the idea.
"I can protect myself, you saw me use magic."
I complained.
The old man seemed hesitant, thinking it over.
"Hey... old man."
I called, determined to convince him.
"Old man…"
"Old man."
Again and again.
"Old man."
"Ugh, shut up! My name's Rey, not old man!"
He snapped.
"What? What a coincidence! My name's Raye."
I exclaimed.
"R, A, Y, E."
Then I added.
"What's with the extra letter? Mine's just spelled R, E, Y."
The old man followed.
"Well, it makes my name look fancier on paper."
I replied.
And at my answer...
Old Man Rey didn't say anything, he just looked at me weirdly.
Moving on...
"Anyway, can I come with you?"
I asked again, getting us back on track.
"Fine, whatever."
Then Old Man Rey answered with a shrug.
And with that, we left.
After walking for a few minutes...
Old man Rey and I reached the northwestern part of the forest where he'd set his traps.
The same place where I got caught...
Then with me following old man Rey from behind, we started checking the areas where he had left a trap.
And at the third trap…
We saw a small deer hanging upside down from a tree.
And before I could even say anything about it...
"I don't want to waste an arrow. You kill it with your magic."
Old man Rey said that, he was picking his nose.
I'm afraid he'll stick his booger on me if I said no...
"Ugh, fine."
That's why I complied.
"[Wind Blade]."
I killed the deer quickly with a Wind Blade to the neck.
Blood flowed from the wound, a sight I'd seen in the game but one that felt much more real now.
I didn't look away.
I need to get used to this...
Because this is the life that I'll be living from now on.
"You carry it back to the cabin, my back hurts."
After checking the last two traps and finding nothing, old man Rey and I headed back to the cabin.
I was carrying the deer's corpse, of course.
And while we're on our way, old man Rey caught three rabbits with his bow!
"Heh, impressed?"
He smirked at me, looking smug.
His face is annoying.
But I can't say I'm not impressed, he killed the rabbits with just one arrow each, after all.
I said, brushing off his gloating and looking away from him.
Around 11 AM, we got back to the cabin.
And as soon as we did…
Old man Rey began preparing the meat.
"I'm making lunch. Do whatever you want for now."
He said.
"Hmm, is there a nearby river?"
I asked.
"Just straight ahead."
And he replied casually.
I grabbed my clothes bag from inside the cabin.
"About time I clean up…"
It was my third day here, and finally, I could bathe.
But just as I was about to leave...
The old man stopped me.
It seems like something urgent.
"Huh? What is it?"
I asked him.
"Use magic and start a fire before you go."
Then he answered with a grin.
I stared at him, dumbfounded...
After that, I hurried off to the river.
"That cheeky old man, I swear..."
I muttered under my breath, shaking my head.
After washing in the river...
I felt refreshed as fuck!
I even recovered some of my energy and mana!
And so with that, I happily returned to the cabin.
"Just in time."
Old Man Rey said as soon as I walked in.
He was setting out our lunch.
"Let me help."
I helped him set the table.
Then after that, we started eating...
"Thanks for letting me stay."
I muttered.
"Why the thanks? You're not staying here for free."
Old man Rey responded, completely unfazed.
I smiled at his response...
Then I continued eating.
And after that...
My third day in this world went peacefully.
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