World of Women

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

I slept that night hunched over in a partial sitting position. That would be the first time this body had ever slept on something that wasnt a bed. Suffice it to say, I was stiff in all the wrong places. The previous night, I had been left alone after Faeri left. I had considered her final words when she left a million times, and a small fire had started to burn in my chest over the only meaning I could consider.  Another world! Faeri was from another world!

Brother brother wake up

However, as my consciousness returned, I realized that I was no longer on the concrete floor. Furthermore, the voice I heard was one I recognized. Rather, it was Hannahs familiar voice, light and airy. My eyes snapped open. Looking around, I could see that I was on a mattress with sheets and everything. I was in a room much smaller than the last one. My hands and arms were no longer chained. However, I could see only one exit. That exit happened to be another solid door with a bared over window.

I painfully stood up, stretching out my accumulated aches from the day with a light groan. Someone must have moved me into this jail cell while I was sleeping. My stomach chose this moment to start growling, and I realized I hadnt eaten since the Primrose gang had kidnapped me.

Brother are you okay

My eyes snapped to the source of those words, which were coming from outside my cell. I immediately stood up and stumbled over to the door, grabbing the cell bars to keep myself from falling over. The window outside of this room was only about two feet by two feet, and all I could see outside of it was another cell, with its own two feet by two feet window. However, within that other cell was Hannah. Hannah was clinging to her bars in the cell across from mine, her face pressed as far as it could go while she stood on her tippy toes.

When her eyes landed on me, they shone with relief. Brother!

Hannah! I called out, trying to stick my arm out the window between the bars, which didnt quite have enough space.

Hannah did the same, but the hallway was too wide and we couldnt touch. We were nearly three feet short of touching each other. There wasnt even a chance.

You came Hannah looked down, her face hidden behind her door so I couldnt see her expression.

Im sorry, Hannah I responded. Im sorry you were kidnapped. This is Brothers fault. Brother will fix this.

I I told them your name Hannahs voice was soft.

I dont blame you, Hannah I tried to reassure my sister. I Im sorry.

Its my fault

No, Hannah its not. Its mine. I sighed, turning and pressing my head on the door. I should have shown you how much I loved you. Im sorry I made you feel unimportant to me. I love you, Hannah. Do you understand? Im going to take care of you.

Mm Hannahs voice sounded like it broke behind the door, and I heard a light sob.

H-Hannah? Please dont cry. Are you hurt?

N-no Hannah murmured. J-just happy.

I let out a breath of relief. Even though we were still in this situation, I instantly felt a million times better. I had seen my sister. She was okay. I had given her my apology, and she didnt hate me. It might be a few days before we were rescued. Faeri said it wasnt going to happen, but I had to have faith in Brooke. Brooke would come to save me. Upon reflection, I realized how flimsy my plan really was. However, had I not come, the alternative was worst.

Isnt that sweet A familiar raspy voice suddenly caused my skin to crawl.

I turned to look out the cell, and Hannah did the same. Between our two cells, a person walked down the hallway. It was Faeri, she seemed angry about something as she looked between the two of us. Suddenly, she reached in and grabbed Hannahs cheeks.

Hannah! I let out a shout as Hannah cried out.

Brother and sister, united! Faeri pinched Hannahs cheeks before pushing her away.

Hannah glared back, rubbing her cheeks.

Leave Hannah alone. You have me now! I hit the bars causing a metal reverberation as if to punctuate my point.

Yes Faeri raised an eyebrow while still looking at Hannah. I have had him. I tasted him before you did, how does that feel, Hannah?

Hannahs face flashed a second with rage, then she looked away with a blush.

Hannah My voice broke, not finding a way to defend myself.

I fucked Faeri for Hannah? Even if it was true, those werent words I felt like I could say. It certainly wouldnt make Hannah feel better.

Faeri we need to talk. I changed what I was going to say. About what you said last night

Oh? Faeri looked over at me, seemingly disinterested. And what was that?

I know I said, looking up at her. I know who you are.

Oh! The sound was Hannah, who immediately ran to the door, staring in wonder at my words.

Meanwhile, Faeri seemed frozen solid, as if I had pulled a rug right out from under her. I became more confident based on her reactions. However, this wasnt something I could say to Hannah. I needed to speak with Faeri privately.

I really doubt that Faeri spoke slowly.

I know youre not who people think you are. I went for broke. I know your identity is a lie, and that youre pretending to be someone else.

Faeri turned back and looked at Hannah, who was still standing there wide-eyed, before taking a step forward and unlocking my door. She immediately stepped into my cell and pulled me away from Hannah. Like me, it was clear that it was something she didnt want Hannah to know. I followed Faeri into the corner of the room, my heartbeat nearly bursting out of my chest as I considered finally talking to someone from another world.

There is no way you know who I am. Faeri cursed. You know nothing about me.

I know you come from another world. I know youre pretending to be someone else. I know we had sex. I know you were a virgin before we ahem

Stop! Faeri held up her hand, after a second she sighed and lifted her hand to her mask, pulling it slowly off her face, shaking her brunette hair.

My eyes widened at the sight. The person standing before me was the last person I ever expected to see. I couldnt even speak, I was so completely shocked.

So, you do recognized me The girl said, even though it still got converted into the raspy voice, seeing her face relaxed me a bit. Well, its not surprising. You never forget your first, do you?

That was the woman in front of me. She may not have been as otherworldly beautiful like my mom and my sisters, but she was extremely pretty. She was a pretty girl who my mom had hired as a maid. She had been selected to be my partner. Had things gone according to plan, we might very well be having a healthy sexual relationship right now. However, she raped me, and that was the day my memories returned and everything went to hell.

How? I asked, forgetting my thoughts about another world.

The girl straightened her back. After your mom kicked me out of the house, I had nowhere to go. I desperately tried to get my brother to have me again. I actually broke into a club for men to find him. I begged him on my knees for his seed. And so he delivered he and every other guy in the club.

I turned my head away as the woman called Faeri stared at me with a wry smile, only managing to mutter. Im sorry

Dont be at the time I gladly did it. I let nearly twenty men do whatever they wanted to me all night. Even as they put out cigarettes on my skin and made me drink cups of piss, I told myself if I got pregnant, itd be all worth it.

I take it you didnt get pregnant.

She laughed. After I passed out, they forced a day-after pill down my throat. Just to be cruel. They threw me out on the street naked, covered in cum, and bleeding from my crotch. I still bleed when its too rough. Thats the men of this world. Thats you

I never would have thrown you ou- I remembered the blood on my fingers that night, and couldnt continue.

Shut up! She screamed. Youre no better! Youre just another man! Another disgusting man!

Im different! I stood up.

If youre so different, tell me Clyburn, whats my name?

I froze. I had heard the name once. What was her name? It was T T something. Tiffany? Tiana? Tanya?

Exactly She snorted, looking away with disgust. It doesnt matter, my name is Faeri now. I found someone soon after. I found a girl who reached out and saved me when I needed it the most. I found a new family, here with the Primrose. I became the Faeri

She stopped, her lips twisting for a second, her head shaking as she looked at me with a complicated expression that told me nothing.

What about me? I asked, You want my seed? Making it a gang reward? Or perhaps you just want to sell it on the black market? Take it I dont care take it. You can sell enough until youre rich. You can impregnate every Primrose. Ill knock you up myself, Ill participate. Just let my sister go.

Shes just a sister! Brother never cared about me! Admit it! You dont give a shit about her! Faeri rounded on me angrily.

I will do anything for her. I stared up at Faeri obstinately.

You keep saying that Faeri gave an amused smile. Lets put it to the test.

Whats that mean?

This is the last time youll see me without my mask. Faeri picked up her mask and put it back on, heading for the door. It was Tinya by the way. That was the name of an innocent girl who just wanted her brothers love. She died.

If youre my sister then that means a brother? I forced the words out.

Faeri stopped for a second at the door.

Im actually the younger sister. Brother had a different father. He was a friend of Noahs. Noah fucked my mom and made me as some kind of vengeance. Thats why brother never gave a shit about me. Even though we were raised together, Im just a half-sister.

Instantly, the man that raped my mother came into my mind. Did that mean that Madison had another brother? My heart suddenly hurt at the thought of sharing Madison.  Tinya or should I call her Faeri, opened the door and stepped out. She gave Hannah a twisted grin and a nod before turning and walking down the hallway.

Sometime later, two plates of food were slid under the door, but by the time I checked to see who had come, they were gone. I had been so shocked that Faeri was Tinya, that I hadnt even asked her about coming from another world. Was it true that the maid who brought me to this world was a reincarnator of her own? Maybe thats what caused me to regain my memory in the first place. When a reincarnator fucks another reincarnator, does that trigger their memories to return?

I took my plate, but Hannah had seemed to wrap herself up on her bed and gone to sleep. Hannah always was a sleepyhead that spent every day in her room. It wasnt surprising that even here, or perhaps especially here, shed spend her time sleeping. Just having her across from me was enough that I was able to relax. I sat on my mattress and quickly stuffed down the food. It wasnt rotten or disgusting. At least, these Primroses wanted to take care of me a little. We wouldnt be starved or exposed to death at least, as long as I cooperated.

The lights in the hallways and my cell suddenly went out. It had been a few hours since we had eaten, but it couldnt possibly be night time already.

Hannah! I called out, moving to the door.

B-brother, whats going on? I heard from outside my window. I looked out into the darkness, but I couldnt see into Hannahs cell.

I tried to focus my eyes harder when a face suddenly jumped into my view causing me to flinch. Boo!

I let out a curse. Damn it, Faeri!

Faeri let out a laugh as she unlocked my cell and pushed her way inside. You should have seen the look on your face!

What are you doing here? I demanded, shooting my eyes over at Hannahs cell.

She had gone quiet once Faeri showed up, clearly becoming scared. I wanted to comfort her, but I was afraid of causing Faeri to show interest in Hannah again. Thus, the only thing I could do was sit back and humor the deranged woman. In the lack of lighting, Faeri took on a darker persona. She seemed sort of bubbly and vivacious. I started to wonder if she had some kind of split personality, a light side, and a dark side. I wouldnt be surprised to find out she was a schizophrenic.

I want you, right now, Faeri demanded.

My eyes widened as Faeris clothing fell to the ground once again. You my sister

Faeris smile grew malicious. Take me right here.

She stood at the door, popping out her very nice ass at me teasingly while she grabbed the bars and looked out it. Oh, Hannah, Im about to have your brother fuck me do listen carefully.

You sick bitch I shook my head disgustedly.

Faeri frowned. You said youd do anything for her! If you dont maybe Ill just stop feeding her for a while.

My body shook for a second, and I considered hitting Faeri. If I knocked her down, I could escape with my sister instantly. My eyes flickered to the clothing that was lying on the ground right next to me. Faeri seemed to pick up on it instantly.

Hahahaha I wouldnt try that. Faeri moved her tongue, and a second later there was a flash of silver in her mouth which turned out to be a key. If you do anything I dont like, Ill swallow it and then were both stuck in here. It wont unlock her cage anyway, so unless you want to lose your sister forever, you better give her a good show

Faeri turned and stuck her tongue out through the bars, seemingly making an obscene gesture at my sister. I turned away, my entire body shaking with anger. It was easier last night when it was just Faeri and me. Things changed now. Now, I knew my sister was alright. I just needed to buy for some time until the police came.

Clyburn its alright. Just do what she asks. I know youre doing it for me. Hannahs voice came from behind me.

She spoke clearly, her voice seeming to reverberate off the walls. I wasnt the only one battling here. My gentle Hannah was fighting in her own way. It wasnt our fault that we had to deal with someone like Faeri, who seemed to want to drive a wedge between me and my sister. However, with those words, my frustration left me, and I calmed down quite a bit.

I turned back to see Faeri looking at me, still in position. She shrugged and grinned.

Its sister approved! Faeri declared.  Two out of two sisters want my pussy fucked!

I walked up to Faeri and grabbed her butt in my hands. She was, after all, a beautiful woman. Tinyas face was very pretty, if not beautiful. However, her body was out of this world. I wished I had remembered how wonderful her body was when she had taken my virginity a year ago. Well, at the time things were still a little blurry. She must have filled out very nicely over the last year. It was hard to believe that year was filled with strife. Her smooth skin didnt look like the skin of a woman tortured by her brother and his boys. Then again, that could have been a lie. This was Faeri, after all. How much of what she said had any truth?

Of course, her naked body was enough to bring me erect, so I pulled out my erect penis and lined it up with Faeri from behind. Like before, I shoved it right into her. I didnt really care if she bled. I couldnt bring myself to be gentle on the hateful woman.

Ahn aaa aaa Faeri moaned, pressing herself against the door as I fucked her against it.

Her moans rang into the hallway, and directly into Hannahs room. Of course, I knew Hannah could hear everything. It was one thing having her walk in on me with Madison, it was quite another forcing her to listen to me have sex with this woman. Even so, I couldnt stop my hands from wandering all over her body. She really was perfect. About the only imperfection was a bruised hickey on her neck, the same one I had given her the previous night.

Ha-ha-hannah Faeri suddenly moaned out. Your brother hes fucking me, Hannah. Ah! Hahahaha, brother just spanked my ass!

Rather than the desired effect, me slapping her ass only caused Faeri to describe more of the perverted scenes over to Hannah.

Hes making me so wet, Hannah, its dripping down my legs! Your brothers cock is so big! Are you touching yourself right now listening to us? I bet you are!

Her words were provocative and cruel, but in a twisted way, they seemed to excite me too. I became stuck in a web of disgust and arousal. Being forced to do this in front of my sister, of course, was repulsive, but at the same time, it was really hot. I had intended to force myself into a quick orgasm to get this over with, but just as the night before, I found myself unable to cum easily. Thus, our fornication kept going on. I sped up my thrusting as fast as I could manage, my cock slamming roughly into Faeri over and over again, desperately trying to bring myself to orgasm. This made the sex sound wet and noisy, especially in the dark, empty cellblock. I was using Faeris body aggressively, and the woman herself seemed to love every second of it.

Ahhhn Ahhnnn c-cumming! Im cumming! Faeri cried out.

I squeezed my hands tighter, frustrated that I kept making her cum. I didnt want Faeri to enjoy it so much. I didnt want my sister listening to a hot sex scene. If anything, I wanted my sister to hear lousy sex. However, between the sounds of my cock slapping into her from behind wetly, the rattling of the cell bars, and the orgasmic noises coming from Faeris throat, the lewd sounds filled the dark hallway.

Finally, I found a spot where I felt my cumming was soon. However, it was also a spot that seemed to do it for Faeri, who made louder and louder moaning noises, as if to taunt me for daring to get off on her body.

C-c-Clyburn! Faeri moaned. Say Hannah.

My dick slowed for a second, my mouth falling open. Wh-what?

Hahaha Faeri let out a laugh. I just realized itd be hilarious. Say her name! Say your sisters name while you come into me. In fact, tell her how much you love her.


Do do it! I said, do it! H-Hannah will like it too!

I sincerely doubted that, but I had no choice at this point. I started to thrust into her harder and harder right in that spot. Faeris body shook as she climaxed, but I started to as well.

Hannah! I moaned as my cock pounded into Faeri. I love you, Hannah! Hannah ah Im cumming.

Cum! Faeri cried. Cum for Hannah, Cum in me for Hannah.

Ahn I love Hannah! I cried, suddenly pulling out and giving a few yanks until my cock exploded.

Cum shut up, striking Faeris ass. The cumshot was amazing, shooting up her back and nearly reaching Faeris hair. Sex with Faeri was always incredible, and my cock seemed to agree, throbbing out massive gobs of cum all over her backside. Faeri was busy cumming too, her entire body shaking and threatening to buckle. Liquid ran down her leg in droves with a very little bit blood mixed in. Faeri could only just helplessly keep herself standing as I painted her backside in white. Even though it was dark, standing there with her beautiful smooth behind covered in white stuff dripping down her, it was an incredibly erotic scene. Had this been someone else, like Madison or mom, I would have taken her for a second round just because of the sight.

You didnt cum in me Faeri gave me a glare, her lips pouty.

I thought you didnt want to get pregnant? I responded mischievously.

Ooo Faeri shook her head, putting her hands on her hips and looking like a spoiled child who didnt get her way. From now on, cum in me! Its cold and its running down, I dont like!

I held out my hands and shrugged. Of course, my Faeri.

Faeri froze for a second, narrowed her eyes, and with a harrumph put her dress back on and left my cell, slamming it. She gave me one last glare before walking away. She seemed to be walking weird. I realized quickly it was because she had cum running all up her back and she could feel it pressing on her dress.

I let out an evil chuckle. A few minutes later the lights turned back on.

B-brother A light voice sent me back to the door, and I could see Hannah on the other side again.

I let out a breath of relief. Hannah Im sorry. That was

You didnt need to be so rough with her Hannah blushed, looking away.

Ah! Im sorry it was so loud! I cringed inwardly.

I was trying to punish Faeri by being rough, but it was Hannah who had to listen to the noises and Faeris taunts. To Hannah, this whole thing probably sounded very profane.

I-its okay I know Brother is doing it for me it Hannahs face went even redder as she remembered me cumming while saying I loved her.

Hannah! About that, she made me say it.

I-I know so brother doesnt really

No! I protested before she could come up with a justification, I meant it I just thought the first time I said those words itd be while I was cumming in you

Brother! Hannah grabbed her chest and turned away, hiding her body and face behind the door.

H-Hannah? I asked, only to be met with silence and what sounded like heavy breathing coming from behind her door, causing me to think of a question that made my mouth widen in a grin. My little Hannah, it couldnt be that Faeri was right, was she? Hannah wasnt masturbatin-

Ah! There was a shout behind the door and a tearful response. How could brother say that?

So, sister did I sighed.

Brother! It-it there was the noises and brothers voice moaning and then you kept moaning my name and then you said I love you, it wasnt fair! How could you expect me not to-

Shit, Hannah really did do it? I nearly tripped.

I was just teasing her to try to keep morale up. I expected her to tearfully deny it. I never expected her to actually admit she had been touching herself while I was fucking Faeri. I could only stare in a daze as I pictured the erotic scene again, imagining Hannah playing with herself while I moaned her name. My cock was instantly back to full staff, but there was no one to fuck now.

St-stupid brother! Hannah shouted before hiding back under her blanket.

Well, I could only say one thing to the current situation. I had done this to myself.

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